Economic and Business Development
Village Savings and Loan Associations
While many banks and microfinance institutions provide valuable services to the poor in the developing world, they are most successful in economically dynamic urban or peri-urban areas. 30 years since the start of the microfinance revolution, poor people who live in many rural areas and urban slu...
Producer Organisations
Small-scale producers face huge challenges in todays world. They have to adopt a market-oriented approach if they want to compete in and benefit from local and global markets. This book opens with an explanation of why collective action in the form of producer organisations is a key strategy for i...
Digital Poverty
Hernan Galperin, Judith Mariscal
This book represents the first publication of the Regional Dialogue on the Information Society (REDIS-DIRSI), a regional network of leading researchers concerned with the creation and dissemination of knowledge that supports effective participation in the Information Society by the poor and marginal...
What's Wrong with Microfinance?
Thomas Dichter, Malcolm Harper
Microfinance has been a long-lived development fashion and in 2005 it enjoyed the accolade of a UN International Year. Many of the world's biggest multinational banks are now eagerly committing quite substantial sums to it, for business as well as public relations purposes. However, there are some i...
Policy Entrepreneurship for Poverty Reduction
International development is characterized by a concern for praxis, the union of theory and practice. But bridging research and policy is harder than it looks. This book focuses on two key questions: What factors affect the influence research has on policy and practice in international development?...
Modelling the Impact of Trade Liberalisation
This hard-hitting research report presents a rigorous critique of the most widely used trade models based on computable general equilibrium (or CGE) models. The authors present concise analytical arguments explaining the fundamental weaknesses of typical CGE models. They show that these models tend...
The State They're In
Two years on from the Gleneagles G8: What has been achieved? What has changed? In July 2005 the first edition of Matthew Lockwood’s The State They’re In asked the key questions of the moment: What are the roots of poverty in Africa and what should now be done about it? How can a better understanding...
Money with a Mission Volume 1
James Copestake, Martin Greeley, Susan Johnson, Naila Kabeer, Anton Simanowitz
This book presents the findings of an action research programme into how far poverty-oriented microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Africa, Asia, and Latin America are contributing to global poverty reduction, and how they can do so more effectively.Martin Greeley reviews evidence on their success in...
Industrial Competitiveness in Africa
Sanjaya Lall, Erika Kraemer-Mbula
This book describes Africa’s position within the current industrial global setting and analyses the recent performance of African manufacturing relative to that of other developing regions. It stresses the rapidly changing technological challenges faced by African economies and Africa’s poor respons...
You Pay for What You Get
Four case studies from ex-Soviet Union, Asia and Africa illustrate how development projects put their claim into practice.