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(Book) Normas para el apoyo a los medios de subsistencia relativos a cultivos en emergencias
En todo el mundo, millones de personas vulnerables a crisis dependen en gran medida de la producción de cultivos para apoyar sus medios de subsistencia. En la actualidad, el 40% de las personas pobres del mundo viven en economías afectadas por precariedad, confl ictos y violencia. Se espera que esa...
(Book) Normes pour l’appui aux moyens d’existence en rapport avec les cultures dans les situations d’urgence
Des millions de personnes à travers le monde sont vulnérables aux crises et dépendent fortement de la production végétale pour assurer leurs moyens d’existence. Actuellement, 40 % des personnes pauvres de la planète vivent dans des économies touchées par la précarité, un confl it ou la violence. Ce...
(Book) Standards for Supporting Crop-related Livelihoods in Emergencies Arabic
Millions of people around the world who are vulnerable to crises rely heavily on crop production to support their livelihoods. Currently, 40% of the global poor live in economies affected by fragility, conflict, and violence. That number is expected to rise to 67% in the next decade (World Bank 2021...
(Book) 50 Ways to Reduce Plastic Pollution
California Association for Recycling All Trash (CARAT)
Plastic pollution threatens fish, wildlife, bees and humans. This book sets out how we all need to take drastic action to regulate the use and disposal of all products and packaging that use plastics. Produced by the California Association for Recycling All Trash (CARAT)
(Book) Plastic Pollution Solution
Plastic Pollution Solution, for policy makers, details the effects of plastic pollution on people, animals and the planet and sets out ways to combat it.
(Book) Minimum Standards for Education
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Since 2004, the INEE Minimum Standards have provided a framework for quality education in emergencies. They have been a key tool for convening education stakeholders around common standards and outcomes. As part of the Humanitarian Standards Partnership, they have further articulated the belief that...
(Book) Voices of Activists and Academics
Vicky Johnson, Tessa Lewin, Andrew West
Over the past three decades, research and intervention processes have been left wanting by the lack of the substantive inclusion of children and young people, as well as the challenge of adultism − the ongoing and systematic disregard of many children and youth in decision-making. This book is in...
(Book) From Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R)
This documents sets out the key factors that contribute to peoples' vulnerability: exposure to hazards and stresses and fragile livelihoods. It provides detailed explanation of the linkages between these factors, as well as ideas for action to strengthen resilience.
(Book) Code of Practice for Cost Effective Boreholes
Code of Practice for Cost Effective Boreholes Technical Brief
(Book) Building Small-Scale Water Harvesting Dams
North Darfur faces acute deficit in its water. The need for water has forced farmers to try and adapt their practices and conserve more water.
(Book) Gundruk (Pickled Leafy Vegetable)
Gundruk is obtained from the fermentation of leafy vegetables in Nepal. It is either served as an appetiser, or as a side dish with the main meal.
(Book) Floating Gardens in Bangladesh
A floating garden is built using aquatic weeds as a base on which vegetables can be grown.
(Book) Flood Adaptive Rice Cultivation Practice
Flood Adaptive Rice Cultivation Practice Technical Brief
(Book) Carrot Farming
This technical brief describes how to optimise the farming of carrots with detail on the seasons, sowing, fertiliser and seeding rates.
(Book) Biogas
Biogas is a fuel used for cooking and lighting, made from dung and other organic waste.
(Book) Energy from the Wind
Wind turbines can be used for large-scale energy delivery, but can also be highly effective as small-scale remote applications.
(Book) Assessing the Technical Problems of Brick Production
A guide for brick makers and field workers to help identify technical problems.
(Book) Dry Salted Lime Pickle
Dry salted lime pickles are produced in Asia and Africa, particularly popular in India, Pakistan and North Africa. They are eaten as a condiment. Learn how they are made!
(Book) Clay as a Binder
Clays are the main binders of earth and are made up of very small mineral particles leached out during the erosion of rock.
(Book) Manual Drilling Compendium
Manual Drilling Compendium 2015 Technical Guidelines