Environment, Energy and Climate Change
Thermal Tests of the 'Solar Oven revision 2'
This report describes the thermal test of the solar oven revision 2 - built in August 2024. The aim is – based on the thermal measurements at the oven – to find out – for a given irradiation - how much the solar oven can rise its temperature T above the temperature of the ambient TAmb. - and how fas...
How to Build a Solar Oven out of Scraped Materials
This is a brief guide-line on how to build a solar oven - based on experiences with building a homemade solar ovens, at the lowest possible cost, with simple tools and using scraped materials. It is aimed to reduce the need for fire wood and other fuels in refugee camps.
Considerations, design calculations, construction, test and evaluation of a cavity walled solar oven Part 2: Evaluation of insulation materials
This report is Part 2 of- (and an addendum to-) the Part 1 of: “Considerations, design calculations, construction, test and evaluation of a cavity walled solar oven”. Both Part 1 and Part 2 of the report are based on a cavity walled solar oven consisting of two boxes – one within the other – with a...
Considerations, design calculations, construction, test and evaluation of a cavity walled solar oven
This report investigates the feasibility of designing a dual (i.e. cavity) wall and doubled glazed solar oven, with the aim to raise the operating temperature to as near to 100oC as possible. The present design has aimed to comply with the living conditions in - and to use cheap materials and tools...
The Amazon in Times of War
The Amazon in Times of War presents both direct and indirect evidence showcasing the deliberate state policies behind the violence and devastation inflicted upon the Brazilian Amazon and its inhabitants. The collection features firsthand accounts detailing not just physical assaults, but also econom...
Plastic Pollution Solution
Plastic Pollution Solution, for policy makers, details the effects of plastic pollution on people, animals and the planet and sets out ways to combat it.
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilience in Humanitarian Action
Nature-based solutions (NbS) are actions that hold the twin objectives of providing for human well-being and protecting the environment. They are a tangible solution that can build immediate and long-term resilience for those affected by crisis. This Unpacked Guide focuses on NbS for resilience i...
Walk-In Cold Rooms: A Practitioner’s Technical Guide
There are extreme challenges for cold rooms when operating in locations remote from reliable power, away from supply chains, hard to reach for technical support and with a hot climate.This guide consolidates the current state of the art on designing and operating walk-in cold rooms that are well sui...
Walk-In Cold Rooms: A Practitioner’s Technical Guide - Summary
There are extreme challenges for cold rooms when operating in locations remote from reliable power, away from supply chains, hard to reach for technical support and with a hot climate.This guide consolidates the current state of the art on designing and operating walk-in cold rooms that are well sui...
The Heart of Our Earth
From the time of Columbus and the Spanish conquistadores, the history of Latin America has been closely entwined with mining. Yet in recent decades, the industry has taken on vast new dimensions, becoming far more powerful and destructive than anything seen in earlier periods. Driven by high mine...