Economic and Business Development
Development and the Challenge of Globalization
Peter Newell, Andrew Scott, Shirin Rai
Understanding globalization is key for the future of development. Increasingly globalized patterns of economic exchange and political interaction shape the possibility of reforms to benefit the poor. There is an urgent need to assess what challenges this new context poses for development. In particu...
Gender, Development and Poverty
Over the past 50 years, billions of dollars and working days have been expended on the development of countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific. The alleviation of poverty is the primary concern of many - though not all - organisations working in the development sector. This book exam...
Building Businesses With Small Producers
Building Businesses with Small Producers presents the findings and a comparative analysis of seven case studies that challenge current beliefs about good practice in the provision of business development services (BDS) to small and microenterprises. The book also highlights issues concerning the ass...
Small Business Services in Asian Countries
Small Business Services in Asian Countries brings together presentations made at the meeting organized by the Donor Agency Committee for Small Enterprise Development held in Hanoi, Vietnam in April 2000. The book opens with a comprehensive introduction.
Gender, Development, and Money
Focusing upon microfinance and micro-credit issues, the contributors to this volume ask just what role does earning play in transforming the power relations between men and women? How far does a change in gender roles affect beliefs about who has the power in the household, the marketplace or that s...
Electricity in Households and Microenterprises
Most people in the world have either no access to electricity or a poor and unreliable supply, yet the importance of access to electricity cannot be overstated. This source book aims to provide practical help in gaining accessibility to electricity for those living in remote or rural communities as...
Micro- and Small Enterprises in Latin America
Jacob Levitsky, Lene Hojmark Mikkelsen
This publication should be of special interest to all people working on programmes related to small enterprise development, including representatives of business associations, financial institutions, universities, business schools, research organisations,
Social Investment and Economic Growth
This book argues with global examples that absolute poverty is not an inevitable consequence of economic growth, and that equitable economic growth is necessary to secure the eradication of poverty. The author contends that the benefits of economic growth need to be invested in developing social and...
Business Development Services
This book provides a wide review of experience of donor agencies in designing and implementing business development services for small and medium enterprises (SME). The papers, from the International Conference on Business Development Services, presented in this book assess the performance of the de...
Co-operative Success
Using a broad definition of co-operatives as organizations with the majority ownership in the hands of its customers, suppliers or employees, this book identifies factors associated with successful group enterprises. It aims to help those who promote co-operative development to be more selective in...