Development studies
Development and Agroforestry
Steven Franzel, Peter Cooper, Glenn Denning, Deborah Eade
Agriculturalists have been benefiting from the range of products and services that trees can supply for thousands of years. Through the integration of trees into agricultural landscapes, farmers and land users at all levels can enjoy diversified production and a range of social, economic and environ...
Development and Cities
Approaches to sustainable development in cities of the South have focused too exclusively on narrow technical aspects of environmental protection, with no benefit to most residents in cities and peri-urban areas. However, in many countries of the South the disengagement of government along with budg...
Development and Culture
Most development policies and interventions are based on an assumption that 'modernisation' in the Western sense is the ultimate goal of human societies. Culture is therefore regarded either as an impediment to progress or as something outside the economic and political spheres and consigned to area...
Development and the Challenge of Globalization
Peter Newell, Andrew Scott, Shirin Rai
Understanding globalization is key for the future of development. Increasingly globalized patterns of economic exchange and political interaction shape the possibility of reforms to benefit the poor. There is an urgent need to assess what challenges this new context poses for development. In particu...
Drying Food for Profit
This book has been written for existing and prospective entrepreneurs who wish to produce dry foods commercially at small and medium scale. Great effort has been made to use simple language but at the same time to examine all relevant technical aspects.
Engineering in Emergencies
Engineering in Emergencies is a hugely successful practical handbook for all relief workers involved in giving humanitarian assistance. It provides the information needed to implement an effective engineering response in the aftermath of an emergency. The second edition of Engineering in Emergencies...
Gender, Development, and Climate Change
In the face of extreme weather events, desertification and a rise in the sea levels, governments and communities increasingly recognize that the need to adapt and mitigate to climate change is urgent. The global agenda and negotiations focus on what governments, corporations and institutions can do...
Gender, Development and Poverty
Over the past 50 years, billions of dollars and working days have been expended on the development of countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific. The alleviation of poverty is the primary concern of many - though not all - organisations working in the development sector. This book exam...
Civil Works Guidelines for Micro Hydropower in Nepal
A guide to look at the technical aspects including civil works guidelines of designing a micro hydro scheme in Nepal.
Gender in Latin America
Gender impacts on every major social issue from rights to social policy, from ethnicity to poverty, this work is a comprehensive overview of the subject, examining trends in gender over history until the present. The authors draw on a wide range on theoretial analyses as well as their own field of w...