Development studies
Tools for Sustainable Operation and Maintenance of Urban Infrastructure
This booklet is a supplement to the WHO monograph Tools for assessing the O&M status of water supply and sanitation in developing countries which comprises nine tools for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of operations and maintenance (O&M) of water supply and sanitation services. The WHO t...
Vehicles for People or People for Vehicles?: Issues in Solid Waste Collection in Low-income Countries
The livelihoods of many thousands of poor people in low-income countries rely on collecting and recycling solid waste. Small waste collection vehicles (SWCVs) such as wheelbarrows and cycle carts play a vital role, enabling individuals to transport more waste, faster, further and with greater ease a...
Water Quality Surveillance
This guide is designed to help staff who undertake surveillance and monitoring of water supplies in developing countries. It provides simple information on how data may be collected and explains the use of equipment and inspection techniques. It also provides example forms that can be easily photoco...
Water Supply Surveillance: a reference manual
The result of a DFID/WHO project presenting guidelines on the implementation of water supply surveillance based on field experience in Uganda, Ghana and bangladesh. The guidelines provide a methodology for including poverty and vulnerability into suveillance planning and show how priority groups can...
Siembra de soluciones Tomo 2
Siembra de soluciones: Tomo 2. Opciones para leyes nacionales de control sobre recursos genéticos e innovaciones biológicas
Populations et la santé dans les pays en développement Volume 1
Populations et la santé dans les pays en développement: Volume 1. Population, santé et survie dans les sites INDEPTH
Designing Water Supply and Sanitation Projects to Meet Demand in Rural and Peri-Urban Communities: Book 1. Concept, principles and practice
These guidelines are the result of two years collaborative research undertaken by WEDC with partners in Africa and South Asia. They demonstrate how water supply and sanitation projects in rural and peri-urban areas can be designed to meet user demand. The aim is to improve the use and sustainability...
Designing Water Supply and Sanitation Projects to Meet Demand in Rural and Peri-Urban Communities: Book 2. Additional notes for policy makers and planners
These guidelines are the result of two years collaborative research undertaken by WEDC with partners in Africa and South Asia. They demonstrate how water supply and sanitation projects in rural and peri-urban areas can be designed to meet user demand. The aim is to improve the use and sustainability...