Development studies
Yarn Preparation
Almost all fabrics, whether woven or knitted, are produced from spun thread. However, this thread or yarn, produced by the spinning operation, either by a hand spinner using the simplest drop spindle or spinning wheel, or spun on the latest automated spinning frame, is rarely in a form suitable to b...
The Andes
The Andes describes how the Andean people, in order to survive, are turning to their old traditions of mutual aid and are finding ways of working together which may lead them in new directions in their long quest for justice.
Surface Water Treatment for Communities in Developing Countries
Conventional methods for designing water systems in industrialized countries are not appropriate in developing countries. Despite this, the use of sophisticated technologies worldwide is widespread, although in many cases it is inappropriate. There is a lack of information for those wishing to learn...
Sustainable Mountain Agriculture 1
Mountain areas of developing countries face rapid increases in population pressure as well as degradation of the environment and production resource base, and there are unmistakable symptoms of the emerging unsustainability of current patterns of resource use and production practices. This situation...
Sustainable Mountain Agriculture 2
Mountain areas of developing countries face rapid increases in population pressure as well as degradation of the environment and production resource base, and there are unmistakable symptoms of the emerging unsustainability of current patterns of resource use and production practices. This situation...
Their Own Idea
Written for those whose job it is to assist people to start their own businesses, or who are considering the merits of group as opposed to individual enterprise, this book looks at 13 case studies which all contain important lessons.
Tools for Agriculture
Tools for Agriculture is a guide to small-scale farming equipment which offers information to smallholder farmers, development workers, and manufacturers all over the world. This revised and updated fourth edition, appearing 25 years after ITDG's original published guide to appropriate equipment, "T...
Working with Farmers for Better Land Husbandry
Norman Hudson, Rodney Cheatle, Adrian Woods, Francis Gichuki
Examines the sustainability of farming systems, the importance of women in agriculture, and the importance of involving landholders at all stages of development. An instructive sourcebook for training programmes, NGO fieldworkers, donors and agencies.
Traces the history and experience of a country which is recovering its own identity after colonization, liberation, struggles and civil war. The record of the Zimbabwean government is examined, showing its early successes in such areas as improving health care and education.
No Time to Waste
It is increasingly clear that environmental problems cannot be solved without full consideration of the process of economic development, the results of which are so often destructive rather than sustainable. No Time to Waste examines these issues from a Southern viewpoint, and gives examples from Ox...