Development studies
Developing and Managing Community Water Supplies
Jan Davis, Gerry Garvey, Michael Wood
Based on direct field experience and using short case studies, this book discusses the issues and stages in the development of water supplies, from the initiation of a programme through to the community management of a supply system. The importance of involving all the members of a community in deci...
Disability, Liberation and Development
Disabled people are marginalized in every country of the world both North and South. By probing these prejudices and studying cases where they have been overcome this book provides an insight into the processes of liberation and empowerment.
Equity and Efficiency in Economic Development
Eminent development economists tackle the question of how to design, construct and administer an economic system that will function efficiently and assure improved living standards, while respecting individual freedoms and social justice.
Financing Health Care
Hilary Goodman, Catriona Waddington
Over the years Oxfam has been involved in a wide variety of health-related projects. The Practical Health Guides draw on this experience to put forward ideas on best practice in the provision of health care and services in developing countries. The way in which a health service is financed has signi...
Fish Processing
This source book describes the traditional methods of fish processing and then looks at new and improved techniques which in most cases can be constructed locally. Types of processing covered include drying, salting, smoking and fermenting.
Forest Farming
J. Sholto Douglas, Robert Hart
The integration of tree and other farming can establish a sounder ecological balance and greater productivity of food and materials for clothing, fuel and shelter. The book suggests planting and cropping methods, and a range of potentially useful trees.
Fruit and Vegetable Processing
Offers the non-specialist an insight into the ranges of methods and equipment available for preserving products, increasing the quality and range of foodstuffs and indicating where the hazards are when setting up a small food processing concern.
Appropriate Food Packaging
Food manufacturers operating on a small to medium scale face direct competition from the large-scale food sector whose economies of scale, better presentation and powerful marketing can endanger the future of smaller businesses. High quality packaging not only helps to keep products in good conditio...
Communicating Building For Safety
Presents the principles of communicating the information needed for building improvement. Covers the uses of different media to convey information and describes the use of graphic design for education.
Crop Protection Strategies for Subsistence Farmers
Drawing on examples from Latin America, Africa and South-East Asia, this book describes crop protection strategies that rely on farmers' knowledge and participation, local resources and alternative low-input methods, as a sensitive approach to develop and implement pest management schemes adjusted t...