Development studies
Energy Options
Renewable energy can present a baffling array of options to aid agency managers, government officials, and advisers. This publication contrasts the relative merits of biomass, solar, hydro, and wind power, as well as detailing some direct applications.
Financial Planning for the Small Building Contractor
Topics covered in this volume include planning the year's work, job programmes, cash flow, investment decisions, billing procedures and work study techniques. Simply written, clearly illustrated and easy to read. Published in the Small Building Contractor Series
Financing Women's Enterprise
Thea Hilhorst, Harry Oppenoorth
Emphasises how to improve the access of poor self-employed women to financial services. Includes a review of current knowledge about women's need for finance, how this is presently met and how this could be improved.
Food Scarcity and Famine
Over the years Oxfam has been involved in a wide variety of health-related projects. The Practical Health Guides draw on this experience to put forward ideas on best practice in the provision of health care and services in developing countries. Where people are suffering from food scarcity or famin...
Born To Die in Medellin
An insight into urban violence in Medellin, Colombia's second city. Alsonso Salazar journeys into the jails, hospitals and shanty towns of Colombia's drug capital to interview teenage contract killers, their families, priests and self-defence vigilantes. He brings alive the world of Medellin's youth...
Fight for the Forest 2nd Edition
"They would have to kill us all to destroy our movement and they can't. I don't get that cold feeling anymore. I am no longer afraid of dying."-Chico Mendes, November 1988 Chico Mendes, the charismatic founder of the Brazilian rubber tappers union, was murdered by a hired assassin on 22 December 198...
Peru: Time of Fear
Deborah Poole, Gerardo Rénique
Since 1980, Peru has been the scene of an escalating civil war. On the one hand, the Sendero Luminoso ("Shining Path") maoists determined to destroy existing society. On the other, the Peruvian military, acknowledged as South America's worst human rights violators. Caught in the middle, and dying in...
Stove Maker, Stove User
Designed for use within the UK National Curriculum, this resource pack looks at the lack of adequate energy supplies for rural people in Sri Lanka through a case study that examines the requirements of a family of potters. Includes teachers' notes and slide sets. "Stove Maker, Stove User" is the sec...
To Cure All Hunger
Few countries face as grim a prospect of food insecurity as the Sudan - bankrupt, at civil war, and ravaged by drought. To Cure All Hunger looks at the scope and the content of appropriate interventions, growth, income, and command over food security. A close study of the causes, dimensions and cons...
Try Drying It!
Shows how improving on the traditional techniques of drying by sun and air can provide income-generating activities for groups in the developing world. Examples from Peru, Colombia and Bangladesh; with detailed technical appendices.