The State of World Rural Poverty
An enquiry into the causes and consequences
Idriss Jazairy, Mohiuddin Alamgir, Theresa Panuccio
A comprehensive study of world rural poverty, with unique rural poverty indexes for 114 developing countries, as well as an invaluable policy guide to issues involving development and poverty.
Published: 1992
Pages: 450
eBook: 9781780446035
Paperback: 9781853391484
Acknowledgements xiii | |||
Abbreviations and acronyms xiv | |||
Foreword by Idriss Jazairy JCVH' | |||
Overview and background 1 | |||
Introduction 1 | |||
A balanced and equitable development 3 | |||
From the old to the new development paradigm 5 | |||
The dominant development paradigm 5 | |||
Variants of the dominant paradigm 9 | |||
Challenges to the dominant paradigm 12 | |||
Towards a new paradigm centered on poverty alleviation 14 | |||
The world of the rural poor 26 | |||
Introduction 26 | |||
The measurement of rural poverty and deprivation 26 | |||
Poverty indices: comparison between countries 30 | |||
Income distribution 44 | |||
Rural poor and functionally vulnerable groups 45 | |||
Poverty in the household 55 | |||
Types and location of rural poor 64 | |||
Rural poverty processes 69 | |||
Policy-induced processes 69 | |||
Dualism 70 | |||
Population growth 71 | |||
Resource management and the environment SI | |||
Natural cycles and processes 84 | |||
The marginalisation of women 84 | |||
Cultural and ethnic factors 85 | |||
Exploitative intermediation 86 | |||
Internal political fragmentation and civil strife 86 | |||
International processes 87 | |||
The regional and country profile of poverty processes 87 | |||
A framework for rural poverty analysis and poverty mapping 90 | |||
5 Access of the rural poor to resources: land 105 | |||
Introduction 105 | |||
Land: access of the rural poor to land 106 | |||
Conclusion 132 | |||
6 Access of the rural poor to resources: infrastructure, technology and social | |||
services 134 | |||
Introduction 134 | |||
Irrigation development for alleviating rural poverty 134 | |||
Technology and farming systems for the rural poor 142 | |||
Improving the access of the rural poor to transport, communication and | |||
social services 152 | |||
Conclusion 159 | |||
7 Access of the rural poor to resources: labour and capital markets 160 | |||
Introduction 160 | |||
The rural labour market 161 | |||
New employment opportunities 171 | |||
Training and development of micro-management capacity 182 | |||
The capital of the rural poor 191 | |||
Conclusion 210 | |||
8 Reorienting government policies and institutions to help the poor 213 | |||
Introduction 213 | |||
Internal and external balances 214 | |||
Agricultural pricing policy 234 | |||
Interest rate and credit policies 245 | |||
Institutions 249 | |||
Debt management and capital flow 266 | |||
Conclusion: the adjustments under way 265 | |||
9 Rural women in development 273 | |||
Introduction 273 | |||
The contribution of rural women to economic development 274 | |||
Rural women's role in economic development: a conceptual framework 275 | |||
Rural women's access to resources and opportunities 279 | |||
Conclusion: major lessons 298 | |||
10 Alleviating rural poverty through natural resource management and preservation 305 | |||
Introduction 305 | |||
Degradation of renewable resources in developing countries 305 | |||
Factors contributing to the degradation of the environment 306 | |||
Preserving the environment and alleviating rural poverty 310 | |||
Conclusion 321 | |||
11 Strategies for targeting specific groups 322 | |||
Introduction 322 | |||
Landless and near-landless populations 322 | |||
Small-scale and artisanal fishermen 325 | |||
The Amerindian peoples of Latin America 327 | |||
Nomadic pastoralists 332 | |||
Displaced wanderers 337 | |||
The tribal population in India 338 | |||
Conclusion 340 | |||
12 Partnership and participation: necessary elements for poverty alleviation 342 | |||
Introduction 342 | |||
The importance of participation 342 | |||
The need for a better partnership 343 | |||
National governments and the need for decentralisation 343 | |||
Local governments 344 | |||
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the rural poor 347 | |||
People's organisations and participatory development 351 | |||
Conclusion 360 |
Idriss Jazairy Idriss Jazairy is President of IFAD and author or co-author of numerous publications on international economic and development affairs
Theresa Panuccio Theresa Panuccio is Acting Senior Economist at IFAD and has written on women in Ethiopia and Ghana.
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