Sustainable Mountain Agriculture 2
Farmers strategies and innovations
Mountain areas of developing countries face rapid increases in population pressure as well as degradation of the environment and production resource base, and there are unmistakable symptoms of the emerging unsustainability of current patterns of resource use and production practices. This situation is both a cause for concern and a reason for reappraisal of conventional development approaches to mountain areas in general, and mountain agriculture in particular. The book aims to stimulate fresh thinking on development goals and strategies in mountain regions. This volume contains Chapters 16 to 33 and considers the following aspects: farmers innovations and agricultural technologies, diversity of farming systems in mountain regions, indigenous farming technologies, irrigation systems, agroforestry, rural development, and mountain agricultural technology development and diffusion.
Published: 1992
Pages: 438
eBook: 9781780443553
Paperback: 9781853391316
9781780443553.000 |
N.S. Jodha
N.S. Jodha is Head of the Mountain Fanning Systems Division at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal. He is currently based in Washington, DC, with the World Bank.
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