Social welfare & social services
Producer Organisations
Small-scale producers face huge challenges in todays world. They have to adopt a market-oriented approach if they want to compete in and benefit from local and global markets. This book opens with an explanation of why collective action in the form of producer organisations is a key strategy for i...
In the Public Interest
This report shows that building public services in developing countries is at the heart of making poverty history. Doing this could transform the lives of millions of people - and, with political leadership, is well within the grasp of our generation.Governments must take responsibility for providi...
Development and Advocacy
Most major development NGOs dedicate significant resources to advocacy. Many also work to inform and shape public opinion, whether through advertising or fundraising or through education programmes. They argue that fundamental change is not achieved until the policy environment is right and cannot b...
Access to Health and Education Services in Ethiopia
This report analyses the findings of an extensive research project conducted by Oxfam in Ethiopia. In the context of Ethiopia's rising external debt and the new decentralised system of regional governance, members of four communities, both rural and urban, were interviewed about their problems in ga...
Public Services Through Private Enterprise
Cigarettes and soft drinks are available in just about every village in the developing world - clean water, primary education and health services are not. The main reason for this paradoxical and tragic situation is the failure to deliver public services, especially in the face of growing population...
Development and Social Action
Throughout the world, civil society organisations (including NGOs) are playing an increasingly prominent role in promoting pro-poor policy change both in their own countries and internationally, whether through advocacy or through direct action and popular mobilisation. In the global re-alignment fo...
Women and the Family
Looking at factors as diverse as the pervasiveness of patriarchy, changing family forms, female infanticide, and land reform policies, this collection of articles considers the family from a gender perspective, and how the socially prescribed roles of men and women within the family can constrain wo...
Women and Rights
This book explores issues of women's rights including: the legal background and history of human rights legislation; the special human-rights problems of women in situations of conflict or as refugees; violence against women as a human rights violation; the rights of disabled women and the importanc...
Development in Conflict
Judy El Bushra, Eugenia Piza-Lopez
This report arose out of a workshop held in Thailand in February 1993, which included participants from Oxfam UK and Ireland, from the Gender and Development Unit, staff in Asia and the Middle East and from sister organizations. The report aims to present the discussions at the workshop in a form wh...
Development in Conflict
Judy El Bushra, Eugenia Piza-Lopez
This report arose out of a workshop held in Thailand in February 1993, which included participants from Oxfam UK and Ireland, from the Gender and Development Unit, staff in Asia and the Middle East and from sister organizations. The report aims to present the discussions at the workshop in a form wh...