Development studies
Restocking Pastoralists
Restocking can be an effective means of poverty alleviation, which enables poor households to be incorporated back into the social and economic fabric of pastoralism. Nevertheless, at present the sustainability of projects is low. This book responds to the previous failures of restocking projects by...
Rigged Rules and Double Standards
Trade is one of the most powerful forces linking our lives, and a source of unprecedented wealth. Yet millions of the world's poorest people are being left behind. Increased prosperity has gone hand in hand with mass poverty. Already obscene inequalities between rich and poor are widening. World tra...
See Both Sides
Published by Oxfam GBs UK Poverty Programme Gender analysis has been used in international development for many years. It is now widely recognised that a better understanding of the particular needs of women and men makes a significant difference in the fight against poverty and disadvantage. This h...
Development, Women and War
The shared experiences of women and their potential to contribute both to war and particularly to peace are highlighted in this discussion of the long-running conflicts in the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe. Policy makers, practitioners and academics consider why women’s concerns have yet to...
Exploding the Migration Myths
Russell King, Nicola Mai, Mirela Dalipaj
Migration has become a central issue in a heated political and media debate in Britain and throughout Europe. But the issues have often become confused and mythologised. This report seeks to contribute to a more mature public debate - and to more effective and just policy responses - through an in-d...
Extreme Emergencies
This comprehensive and detailed sourcebook offers humanitarian organizations, for the first time, essential information on how to prepare for the key man-made disasters which they have to face in an ever more dangerous world. The possibility of a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or enh...
Gender, Development, and Diversity
Each one of us lives life as a carrier of multiple identities - including gender, race, class and age. The sum of these identities determines our opportunities in life, and empowers or disempowers us, depending on our context. This collection of articles focuses on the implications that this has for...
Gender, Development, and Trade
Women all over the world are increasingly employed - and exploited - at the far end of the global supply chain. Whether by picking fruit in Chile, processing cashews in Mozambique, sewing in Chinas Export Processing Zones, or providing biotech companies with indigenous knowledge in India, women’s la...
Gender Equality and Men
Why include men in gender equality and anti-poverty work? What works with men in practice? What is the impact of including men in gender analysis and action? How should organisations develop work with men? In international debates on gender equality there is a growing emphasis on men, not only as ho...
Guns or Growth?
A report published by Amnesty International, IANSA, and Oxfam, for the Control Arms campaign. Published in association with Project Ploughshares, and SaferworldEvery state has a right to self-defence, under Article 51 of the UN Charter. However, the UN Charter also requires all member states to 'pro...