Development, Women and War
The shared experiences of women and their potential to contribute both to war and particularly to peace are highlighted in this discussion of the long-running conflicts in the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe. Policy makers, practitioners and academics consider why women’s concerns have yet to be placed at the forefront of both analysis and practical outcomes. This selection of essays presents an overview of different feminist approaches to peace building and conflict resolution and puts forward concrete policy measures to achieve these ends. Contributors argue for the need to move beyond the myriad projects that involve women to consider the factors that contribute to the relatively poor overall impact of such projects - an outcome that often results from a failure to understand the underlying gendered power relations and the dynamics of social change
Published: 2004
Pages: 400
eBook: 9780855987039
Paperback: 9780855984878
Preface | |||
Part 1 | |||
Introduction: War and peace: what do women | |||
contribute? | |||
Haleh Afshar | |||
The 'sex war' and other wars: towards a feminist approach to peace building | |||
Donna Pankhurst | |||
Women and wars: some trajectories towards a feminist peace | |||
Haleh Afshar | |||
Developing policy on integration and re/construction in Kosova | |||
Chris Corrin | |||
Kosovo: missed opportunities, lessons for the future | |||
Lesley Abdela | |||
Training the uniforms: gender and peacekeeping operations | |||
Angela Mackay | |||
Palestinian women, violence, and the peace process | |||
Maria Holt | |||
Women and conflict transformation: influences, roles, and experiences | |||
Ann Jordan | |||
Fused in combat: gender relations and armed conflict | |||
Judy El-Bushra | |||
Women in Afghanistan: passive victims of the borga or active social participants? | |||
Elaheh Rostami Povey | |||
Part 2 | |||
Introduction: Peace and reconstruction - agency and agencies | |||
Deborah Eade | |||
Relief agencies and moral standing in war: principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and solidarity | |||
Hugo Slim | |||
Aid: a mixed blessing | |||
Mary B. Anderson | |||
Women and war: protection through empowerment in El Salvador | |||
Martha Thompson and Deborah Eade | |||
Sustainable peace building in the South: experiences from Latin America | |||
Jenny Pearce | |||
Training for peace | |||
Glenda Caine | |||
Making peace as development practice | |||
Sumaya Farhat-Naser and Gila Svirsky | |||
Building bridges for peace | |||
Rola Hamed | |||
Human security and reconstruction efforts in Rwanda: impact on the lives of women | |||
Myriam Gervais | |||
Mission impossible: gender, conflict, and Oxfam GB | |||
Suzanne Williams | |||
Resources | |||
Index |
Deborah Eade Deborah Eade was Editor-in-Chief of Development in Practice from 1991 to 2010, prior to which she worked for 10 years in Latin America. She is now an independent writer on development and humanitarian issues, based near Geneva.
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