Development studies
Office Management for Co-operatives
This self-teaching text deals with the principle of office management, staffing and control, as well as the essential records, files, and accommodation required to run a co-operative efficiently. This is of use to the managers of both large and small co-operatives.
Bolivia: Coup d'Etat
On 17 July 1980 Bolivia suffered the most brutal and bloody military coup in its history. The leader of the coup, General Luis Garcia Meza, thus brought to an end Bolivia's faltering attempts to establish parliamentary democracy. The coup's purpose was not simply to prevent the inauguration of the n...
Unity is Strength
James Dunkerley, Chris Whitehouse
Latin American workers and peasants live in extreme poverty, exploited by a global economic system which concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the multinational corporations and local capitalists at the expense of the mass of working people. In many Latin American countries this system is en...
Since 1954 Paraguay has been ruled by the dictator Alfredo Stroessner, the longest surviving head of state in the world. His regime has been characterized by extreme brutality, corruption and economic stagnation. However, in 1973 Paraguay began to experience dramatic economic and social changes as a...
Europe and Latin America 1980
Underdevelopment, poverty, dictatorship and repression in Latin America are persistent and interrelated problems. Many Latin American governments pursue economic policies which deepen social inequalities and conflict and which are frequently implemented through the violent suppression of civil and p...
Uraguay was once known as 'the Switzerland of Latin America', an apparent model of stability, progress and prosperoty in a turbulent continent. But the illusion began to crumble in the 1950s as declining world prices for Uraguay's exports exposed the vulnerability of its dependent economy. By the la...
Small Enterprises in Developing Countries
A collection of conclusions based on case studies for small enterprises
Small-scale Irrigation
This excellent, clearly illustrated book has been written for those working with farmers on development and extension in rural areas who do not have much access to the technical know-how needed for developing irrigated agriculture on a small scale.
Auxiliaries in Primary Health Care
This sourcebook lists a wide variety of material used in training auxiliaries in different levels, and is a vital work for health planners and health workers in developing countries. Includes textbooks, course descriptions, and visual aids.
Hand Dug Wells and their Construction
This definitive work provides step-by-step guidance in the techniques of digging and constructing a well, including the principles of groundwater storage, the actual construction, the materials required, and details of additional sources of information.