Development studies
Selective Feeding Programmes
Over the years, Oxfam has been involved in a wide variety of health-related projects. The "Practical Health Guides" draw on this experience to put forward ideas on best practice in the provision of health care and services in developing countries. A comprehensive manual for use in treating different...
Septic Tanks and Aquaprivies from Ferrocement
This book describes the potential of ferrocement as a construction material; gives details of how septic tanks and aquaprivy waste treatment and soil disposal units are designed and constructed; and gives details of other low-cost sanitation options.
Small Business Promotion
A collection of 28 case-studies from 17 countries, this book describes failures as well as successes, and provides stimulating material for students, teachers, trainers and business people themselves.
Small-scale Gold Mining
The artisanal mining of alluvial gold is an extremely common small mining activity in many countries. This is a comprehensive and practical guide aimed at filling a need for improved goldmining techniques.
Low Cost Wooden Duplicator
Construction details for a stencil duplicator that can be built using simple woodworking tools, and is easy to use and maintain. Includes templates for use in construction.
Rice Husk Ash Cement
A state of the art review of rice husk ash cement technology in the Indian subcontinent, highlighting its effectiveness as an alternative low-cost binding material. Includes case studies of field-testing in local institutions.
Small-scale Recycling of Plastics
This book looks at how to create employment by recycling plastics. It describes the collection of plastic waste that can be collected and processed for return to the factory and remoulded for a second service life.
Animal Draught Technology
An important and useful guide to the widely scattered literature on a subject of increasing importance - over 300 annotated items.
Blacksmith, Baker, Roofing-sheet Maker
Using over 50 case studies from 22 countries which show how unconventional projects have developed women's earning power, this book is a source of ideas for all those helping to develop cash-producing work for women in developing countries.
Sugar Processing
A study of the technical and economic revival of the small-scale OPS method of sugar processing in India, and its transfer to Kenya. A detailed study of two contrasting situations.