Small-scale Recycling of Plastics
This book looks at how to create employment by recycling plastics. It describes the collection of plastic waste that can be collected and processed for return to the factory and remoulded for a second service life.
Published: 1984
Pages: 104
eBook: 9781780445953
Paperback: 9781853390449
1. Why recycle plastics? | |||
2. The plastics industry - its processes, products and structure | |||
3 Giving the customer what he wants | |||
4 . Collection of p l a s t i c s waste | |||
6. Manufacture and sale of small a r t i c l e s from reclaim | |||
I. About p l a s t i c s - t h e i r chemistry and structum | |||
11. Test for melt flow inde | |||
111. Manufacturers of plae t i c s recycling equipment | |||
Jon Vogler
Jon Vogler, a chartered engineer, joined Oxfam in 1974 to set up the 'Wastesaver' project with the aim of raising money for 'poor world' development by recycling 'rich world' wastes. He then spent eighteen months visiting developing countries for the British government to study their waste materials and how these are re-used. This book is one result of his study.
Catalytic pyrolysis of recycled HDPE, LDPE, and PP
Shoaib, Muhammad
Subeshan, Balakrishnan
Khan, Waseem S
Asmatulu, Eylem
Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology, Vol. 37 (2021), Iss. 4 P.264
https://doi.org/10.1177/14777606211019414 [Citations: 6]Multicomponent Polymeric Materials
Extrusion of Multicomponent Product
Ghosh, Aloke Kumar
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-7324-9_5 [Citations: 0]Recent Developments in Mechanochemical Materials Synthesis by Extrusion
Crawford, Deborah E.
Casaban, José
Advanced Materials, Vol. 28 (2016), Iss. 27 P.5747
https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201505352 [Citations: 125]Multicomponent Polymeric Materials
Multilayer Polymer Films
Ajitha, A. R.
Aswathi, M. K.
Maria, Hanna J.
Izdebska, Joanna
Thomas, Sabu
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-7324-9_8 [Citations: 10]