Rural Roads and Poverty Alleviation
This study analyses the pattern and the use of local road networks, and the causes and effects of road programmes, for goods transport and in the areas of personal travel, education, health - and poverty alleviation in general. The impact of the selection criteria actually used in specific road programmes in four countries - Egypt, India, Botswana and Thailand - is presented, and suggestions made for appropriate selection criteria for the future.
Published: 1984
Pages: 200
eBook: 9781780443157
9781780443157.000 | 1 | ||
9781780443157.001 | 9 | ||
9781780443157.002 | 26 | ||
9781780443157.003 | 56 | ||
9781780443157.004 | 90 | ||
9781780443157.005 | 106 | ||
9781780443157.006 | 128 | ||
9781780443157.007 | 150 | ||
9781780443157.008 | 171 | ||
9781780443157.009 | 177 |
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