Gender, Development, and Advocacy
Koos Kingma, Caroline Sweetman
Advocacy for gender equality occurs at all levels of society--from grassroots women demanding community-level change to sophisticated coalition-building that promotes change to international trade laws. Articles in this collection chart the experience, challenges, and successes of gender equality ad...
Beyond Access
Sheila Aikman, Elaine Unterhalter
In a world in which poverty, social prejudice and poor-quality provision cause an estimated 100 million girls to drop out of school before completing their primary education, it is not enough for governments to pledge themselves to increase girls' access to school. This book presents a vision of a t...
Gender and ICTs for Development
Minke Valk, Sarah Cummings, Henk van Dam
Around the world information and communication technologies (ICTs) have changed the lives of individuals, organisations and indeed, entire nations. ICTs can have profound implications for women and men in terms of employment, education, health, environmental sustainability, and community development...
Gender, Citizenship and Governance
In the 1990s, the issue of good governance assumed enormous significance in the debates on global development. The concern with governance arose from the growing realisation that conventional development efforts had failed to eliminate poverty and inequality. Despite differences in priorities, the g...
Gender, Development, and Diversity
Each one of us lives life as a carrier of multiple identities - including gender, race, class and age. The sum of these identities determines our opportunities in life, and empowers or disempowers us, depending on our context. This collection of articles focuses on the implications that this has for...
Gender Equality and Men
Why include men in gender equality and anti-poverty work? What works with men in practice? What is the impact of including men in gender analysis and action? How should organisations develop work with men? In international debates on gender equality there is a growing emphasis on men, not only as ho...
Partnerships for Girls' Education
The idea of partnerships - involving multinational donors, governments, international non-government organisations, the private sector, civil society, and local communities - is increasingly current in debates about development. They are widely seen as the most effective way to achieve sustainable e...
What Men and Women Want
Helen Buhaenko, Vikki Butler, Charlotte Flower, Sue Smith
Based on an actual gendered participatory appraisal in Wales, this guide offers a thorough explanation of why looking at the differences in men's and women's life experiences is an essential part of any participatory work.
Gender, Development and Citizenship
Focusing on citizenship means thinking about the relationships between individuals and the stated in which they live. What difference does having citizenship rights mean for people’s lives? Are structures of governance efficient and responsive to people’s needs? This book examines ways in which citi...
Women Reinventing Globalisation
The Association for Women's Rights in Development's (formerly AWID) International Forum is the largest international summit on gender equality outside of the United Nations system. It provides an unparalleled opportunity to develop strategies, share ideas, build skills, and provide support - all to...