Social Development
The Learning Power of Listening
Irene Guijt, Maria Veronica Gottret, Anna Hanchar, Steff Deprez, Rita Muckenhirn
Social change is messy. Poverty and inequality are experienced in a myriad of ways, each person and household with specific opportunities and needs. Working with their inherent complexity requires seeing what is happening at the margins for small groups, as much as what is center stage for the majo...
A New Weave of Power, People and Politics Arabic
Lisa VeneKlasen, Valerie Miller
This field manual provides a well-tested approach for promoting citizen participation. It breaks down the traditional boxes separating human rights, rule of law, development, and governance, and reconnects them in order to create an integrated approach to rights-based political empowerment. A New We...
Tiny Engines of Abundance
This book provides a historical and comparative perspective of peasant productivity using case studies portraying the extraordinary efficiency with which English cottagers, Jamaican ex-slaves, Guatemalan Mayan campesinos, Nigerian hill farmers and Kerala hut dwellers obtained bountiful and diversifi...
When Communities Design Aid
Aid initiatives go wrong for many reasons, but a common and surprising one is that poor people often don’t want the kind of aid that is offered. This book explores why this happens and how it can be prevented. Richard Atkinson outlines important mistakes that the designers of development programmes...
COVID-19 and the Future of Capitalism
Efe Can Gurcan, Ömer Ersin Kahraman, Selen Yanmaz
COVID-19 may be an historical turning point for global capitalism. It has revealed the crisis of neoliberal globalization; however, this does not automatically lead to the ultimate defeat of capitalism or its neoliberal incarnation. The authors in this collection posit that a new framework cannot be...
Nature and communities in the global south is being overwhelmed at a shocking rate. In many places this is due to ventures such as large-scale open-pit mining, oil extraction in tropical areas, and the spread of monocultures. These and other such forms of natural resource appropriation are usually k...
Does Community Development Work?
What makes community development effective? How can we ensure that this work is responsive to the decolonial turn, the call for effectiveness and the need for justice? Highlighting useful practice frameworks for community development workers – both citizens and professionals – to navigate an incr...
40 Critical Thinkers in Community Development
Peter Westoby, David Palmer, Athena Lathouras,
Who are the great activists, thinkers and writers who can inspire us in our community development work? Environmentalists, poets, philosophers, civil rights activists, trade unionists – all can help us question the assumptions that underlie our international development practice. This book invite...
Politics Rules
Whether we like it or not, we are subject to politics wherever we go and in whatever we are doing. Development is always and everywhere political, and frequently occurs with the interests of the powerful at the forefront. Can we hope to better understand the politics that shapes and controls our liv...
Critical Development Studies
Henry Veltmeyer, Raúl Delgado Wise
Development studies is typically used by agencies concerned with improving the living conditions of people across the world by advancing capitalism as the institutional and policy framework of the global development process. Veltmeyer and Delgado Wise, on the contrary, view capitalism as the problem...