SOCIAL SCIENCE / Developing & Emerging Countries
Package Deals
This is a detailed case history of the development and transfer of a new intermediate-scale technology for egg packing in Zambia. The successes and failures provide many lessons for all concerned with technology transfer.
Industrial Employment through Appropriate Technology
This paper outlines the role that appropriate technology can play in employment generation in the industrialized West, and is illustrated with examples of technologies already in industrial operation and the policies designed to support them.
Jobs from Junks
Presents a method of creating employment and cleaning up cities in developing countries by dismantling derelict cars. Includes a curriculum for a short training course in cutting up cars and instructions about selling the recovered materials and parts.
The Poverty Brokers
The international debt crisis which hit the headlines in September 1982 has underlined the power that is wielded by the International Monetary Fund. As the ultimate source of credit for heavily endebted Third World countries, it can impose onerous conditions on those nations that need its assistance...
Chile: The Pinochet Decade
Phillip O'Brien, Jacqueline Roddick
General Pinochet came to power in Chile in a coup which cost the lives of over 10,000 people. The coup brought to an end the socialist government of President Allende and inaugurated an experiment in monetarist economics which Time Magazine described as 'a model of what can be achieved in restructur...
Educational Wooden Toys
Drawing and build instructions of an educational wooden toy developed by Tim Godwin, the consultant for the Sri Lankan toy project in establishing the local production of educational pre-school toys. The Threaded Shapes comprise of a circle, triangle and square that can be pushed through the appropr...
Water Treatment and Sanitation
The purpose of this handbook is to put together in a simple and logical form various aspects which must be considered when investigating the development of a water supply and sewage disposal scheme for a small community. This could be a rural village or small town, or a school or hospital situated t...
Appropriate Technology for Rural Development
Originally prepared for an Expert Meeting organised by UNESCO in 1980, this paper outlines Intermediate Technology's basic approach to development work; and assesses the lessons learned from 15 years' experience in development activities (Published in the ITDG Occasional Paper series).
Appropriate Technology Institutions
Richard Whitcombe, Marilyn Carr
The pioneers of the appropriate technology movement have, since its first development in the 1960s, brought the concept of AT into broad acceptance and to the forefront of development thinking. A considerable amount of research and development work has been undertaken in specific technologies, and i...
Small Farm Weed Control
This bibliography is a guide to a range of weed control techniques.