SOCIAL SCIENCE / Developing & Emerging Countries
Ferrocement Water Tanks and their Construction
Describes how cylindrical water storage tanks of up to 150 cubic metre capacity can be built using wire-reinforced cement-mortar. Covers design and planning, costs, standard, recommended and alternative construction methods, and other information.
Gardening for Better Nutrition
A nutritional approach directed to rural women to encourage them to grow more and better food for their families in areas of widespread malnutrition. Includes details of suitable tools, plant varieties and gardening methods for the tropics and subtropics.
Accounting and Book-keeping for the Small Building Contractor
First of 3 volumes of self-teaching material for students and entrepreneurs in the building industry. Includes organizing the office, assets and liabilities, bookkeeping, analysis, fixed assets, depreciation, balance sheets and profit and loss accounts. Published in the Small Building Contractor ser...
Britain and Latin America 1978
Most Latin American countries are characterised by social injustice, economic repression and widespread violations of human rights. Relations between Britain and Latin America. Although longstanding, are largely unquestioned by policy-makers and are rarely the subject of public debate. In publishing...
Guatemala is a society of fear. Whilst events in Chile have outraged international opinion, the widespread political violence in Guatemala has gone unnoticed. Over the past ten years there have been an estimated 20,000 political killings, a death toll as high as that inflicted by the savage earthqua...
Co-operative Organization
A useful introduction describing how co-operatives are formed, how they work, what the legal implications are, and what role they play in development.
Consultancy for Small Businesses
Consultancy for Small Businesses is the result of a six year experiment to provide an economic on-the-spot advisory service to small businesses in developing countries. It provides some solutions to the perennial problems of small-scale entrepreneurs.
Small-Scale Cement Plants
An examination of the criteria for the establishment of mini cement plants in developing countries, specifically comparing the situation in India with that in China, where more than 57 per cent of cement is produced by small plants.
The Belize Issue
The tiny British colony of Belize on the Caribbean coast of Central America is the subject of a century-old dispute between Britain and the Central American republic of Guatemala. Guatemala claims that Belize is an integral part of her territory. In the face of continued threats of invasion by Guate...