SOCIAL SCIENCE / Developing & Emerging Countries
Fitzroy Ambursley, James Dunkerley
The US invasion of Grenada in October 1983 was a flagrant and direct violation of international law. The Reagan government's determination to suppress the Grenadian people's right to sovereignty and the shallowness of its justification for this position indicate a preparedness to escalate further vi...
Guyana: Fraudulent Revolution
Guyana is on the verge of economic collapse and a profound social crisis. The socialist rhetoric of President Forbes Burnham's regime contrasts strikingly with the ugly details of his personalist and authoritarian rule. Burnham supports progressive third world views internationally, yet his party is...
Small Beginnings
Looks at the role of small firms and employment-generating technologies in reviving the economy. Includes studies of brewing, printing, brick-making, woollen textiles, plastic recycling, repair and servicing garages, and small-scale cheese production.
Lost-wax Casting
Outlines the basic techniques of lost-wax casting and describes the equipment needed to carry out the process successfully. Explains how the equipment can be made, using local labour and natural resources readily available in developing countries.
Sten Screen
The combination of stencil duplicating with screen process printing enables one to build a press very cheaply, using no sophisticated components for either construction or implementation. The sten screen will print a wide variety of formats and on many materials.
Arriving Where We Started
In 1958 the first eight VSO volunteers arrived in Ghana and Sarawak. Since then over 20,000 others have worked overseas through VSO, and this book marks twenty-five years of their experiences and achievements, and of those among whom they lived and worked
Women, Work and Technology in Rural South Asia
Looks at the ways in which women have been ignored in the statistical accounting that forms the base for development planning, and links this bias to the marginalisation of women in the process of technological development. (Published in the ITDG Occasional Papers Series).
Earth Roads
A practical manual for non-engineers which describes the design and construction of earth roads with a usage of up to 50 vehicles per day. Drainage, road planning, the actual construction and subsequent maintenance operations are all dealt with.
Field Engineering
This book aims to meet the needs of all those concerned with development projects involving waht are ineffect, simple engineering works in rural areas. It will be of use to district officers, extension workers and the staff of development agencies and all non-governmental agencies in the development...
Micro-Hydro Electric Power
A summary of the state of the art in micro-hydro with a section on the economics of micro-hydro installation and operation. Invaluable to engineers, consultants and field workers in the developing world.