Gardening for Better Nutrition
A nutritional approach directed to rural women to encourage them to grow more and better food for their families in areas of widespread malnutrition. Includes details of suitable tools, plant varieties and gardening methods for the tropics and subtropics.
Published: 1978
Pages: 64
eBook: 9781780442273
Paperback: 9780903031509
9781780442273.000 |
Arnold Pacey
Arnold Pacey was lecturer at the University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, 1963-72; editor for Oxfam, 1973-74; Associate Lecturer at the Open University, Yorkshire Region, Leeds, 1976-2000; and retired in 2001.
Indigenous Environmental Knowledge
Indigenous Knowledge and the Course of Development
Edington, John
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62491-4_8 [Citations: 0]