Field Engineering
A guide to construction and development work in rural areas
This book aims to meet the needs of all those concerned with development projects involving waht are ineffect, simple engineering works in rural areas. It will be of use to district officers, extension workers and the staff of development agencies and all non-governmental agencies in the development field. It will be valuable to volunteers who do not have ready access to technical assistance, and will also be of interest to anyone planning work on a small holding, homestead or farm.
Chapters deal with site surveying, engineering materials, water supplies, sanitation in general, planning and construction of roads, simple river crossings, bridges and small dams and draws on the advice of experts in each subject and is the result of many years' practical experience in developing countries.
Published: 1983
Pages: 284
eBook: 9781780442181
Hardback: 9780903031875
Paperback: 9780903031684
Chapters deal with site surveying, engineering materials, water supplies, sanitation in general, planning and construction of roads, simple river crossings, bridges and small dams and draws on the advice of experts in each subject and is the result of many years' practical experience in developing countries.
9781780442181.000 |
Field Guide to Environmental Engineering for Development Workers
Soil Properties and Identification
https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784409855.ch08 [Citations: 0]Managing Humanitarian Relief - 2nd Edition
Backmatter - Managing Humanitarian Relief
James, Eric
https://doi.org/10.3362/9781780449029.022 [Citations: 0]Field Guide to Environmental Engineering for Development Workers
Project Management
https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784409855.ch04 [Citations: 0]Field Guide to Environmental Engineering for Development Workers
Engineering Materials
https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784409855.ch06 [Citations: 0]