Development studies
Agricultural Value Chain Finance
Agriculture remains an important means of alleviating poverty, but shortage of finance can constrain its development. At the same time, agriculture is evolving towards a global system requiring high-quality, competitive products, and is organized in value chains which often exclude smallholders. Val...
Building Back Better
The devastating impact of disasters on the world’s population is on the increase, influenced by climate change, urbanization, and persistent high levels of poverty, among other factors. There is a growing demand for reconstruction at scale. This book asks whether large-scale reconstruction can be pa...
Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Toolkit
Markets are a crucial component of how people survive. Understanding how markets are disrupted in emergencies is critical to any analysis of hunger, and to food and livelihood security. The Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Toolkit (EMMA) is a guidance manual to assist front-line staff to make r...
Tomato Production
Tomato production guidelines would be very beneficial to the aspiring tomato farmers who want to start their farming practices or the farmers who are already involved in tomato farming in Zimbabwe. One can also use it as a farming resource if the case applies to any other similar regions. The techni...
The Hidden Energy Crisis
Billions of people worldwide are without access to clean, modern energy, which leads to drudgery, ill health and sometimes death. Although a lack of adequate energy affects people's health and well-being, as well as their productive and educational capacities, addressing this deficit is a low priori...
Lightening the Load
Women are central to overcoming rural poverty. They play a critical role in poverty reduction and food security because they are responsible for both production and reproduction. Rural women in developing countries have longer working days than men because of their triple roles as farmers, caretaker...
Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems
In many countries, a rapidly upcoming demand for decentralised wastewater treatment systems (DEWATS) and a demand for efficient community-based sanitation (CBS) can be observed. DEWATS is designed to be an element of a comprehensive strategy for city-wide planning and sustainable infrastructure deve...
Cities, Poverty and Food
Marielle Dubbeling, Henk de Zeeuw, René Veenhuizen
The numbers of the urban poor are on the increase; at the same time their position has been made more vulnerable by the recent food and economic crises. City authorities need to find innovative strategies to eradicate urban hunger and improve the livelihoods of the urban poor. Urban agriculture prov...
Greywater Use in the Middle East
Stephen McIlwaine, Mark Redwood
In water-scarce areas of the Middle East, greywater (household wastewater excluding toilet waste) is commonly used by poor communities to irrigate home gardens. This both supplements the water available to the household and improves food security. This book draws together material presented at a con...
Lessons from Aceh
The Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004 devastated the coastline in Aceh province on the northern tip of Indonesia leaving 167,000 people dead and over half a million people without homes. This resulted in an unprecedented humanitarian response. Over the next three years the Disasters Emergency...