Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Toolkit
People, markets and emergency response
Markets are a crucial component of how people survive. Understanding how markets are disrupted in emergencies is critical to any analysis of hunger, and to food and livelihood security. The Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis Toolkit (EMMA) is a guidance manual to assist front-line staff to make rapid assessments of market systems in the first few weeks of a crisis. Its purpose is to improve early response planning so that resources are used effectively, and so that opportunities are not missed to bolster future recovery in the local economy. This toolkit can help prevent lasting damage to the livelihoods, jobs and businesses on which people’s long-term security depends through practical steps to understand the important market aspects of an emergency situation, and communicate this knowledge promptly and effectively to decision-makers. Also available in French.
Published: 2010
Pages: 232
eBook: 9781780440484
Paperback: 9781853396991
Prelims (Praise for the book, Contents, Boxes, Acknowledgements) | |||
1. The EMMA toolkit: introduction and overview | |||
2. Essential preparation | |||
3. Market selection | |||
4. Preliminary analysis | |||
5. Preparation for fieldwork | |||
6. Fieldwork activities and interviews | |||
7. Mapping the market system | |||
8. Gap analysis | |||
9. Market-system analysis | |||
10. Response analysis | |||
11. Communicating results | |||
Back Matter (Bibliography, Glossary, Index) |
Mike Albu
Mike Albu has worked and published as both a consultant and international NGO manager in the field of pro-poor market development for 10 years. He also has many years prior practical experience of community-based livelihoods and appropriate technology projects in Africa and south Asia. Mike now works for Practical Action.
Managing Humanitarian Relief - 2nd Edition
Backmatter - Managing Humanitarian Relief
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CAPÍTULO 8 - Normas técnicas en materia de refugios y asentamientos para el ganado
https://doi.org/10.3362/9781780449197.009 [Citations: 0]Cash, food, or vouchers? An application of the Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis Framework in urban and rural Kenya
Michelson, Hope
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https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-012-0177-0 [Citations: 11]Normes et directives pour l’aide d’urgence à l’élevage (LEGS)
CHAPITRE 8 Normes techniques pour les abris et les aménagements du bétail
https://doi.org/10.3362/9781780446745.008 [Citations: 0]The role of evidence in humanitarian assessment: the Seed System Security Assessment and the Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis
Byrne, Karri Goeldner
March, Julie
McGuire, Shawn
Meissner, Laura
Sperling, Louise
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https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12014 [Citations: 6]Analytics, Operations, and Strategic Decision Making in the Public Sector
Using Data to Guide Decisions for Cash-Based Interventions
Harpring, Russell
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https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-7591-7.ch011 [Citations: 0]Normas y directrices para intervenciones ganaderas en emergencias (LEGS)
CAPÍTULO 3 - Evaluación inicial e identificación de respuestas
https://doi.org/10.3362/9781780449197.004 [Citations: 0]Normas y directrices para intervenciones ganaderas en emergencias (LEGS)
CAPÍTULO 2 - Normas esenciales y temas transversales comunes a todas las intervenciones ganaderas
https://doi.org/10.3362/9781780449197.003 [Citations: 0]Normes et directives pour l’aide d’urgence à l’élevage (LEGS)
CHAPITRE 2 Normes essentielles et thèmes transversaux communs à toutes les interventions en matière d’élevage
https://doi.org/10.3362/9781780446745.002 [Citations: 0]Normes et directives pour l’aide d’urgence à l’élevage (LEGS)
CHAPITRE 3 Évaluation initiale et identification des réponses
https://doi.org/10.3362/9781780446745.003 [Citations: 0]