Capacity Development for Scaling up Decentralized Energy Access
Lessons from Nepal on its role, costs, and financing
Elisabeth Clemens, Kamal Rijal, Minoru Takada
Micro hydro power is ideally suited to meeting the energy needs of remote communities.A national micro hydro programme has been operating for more than a decade in Nepal. Similarly a fuel-wood-conserving cooking stoves programme has been operating in Nepal for decades. Capacity development for scaling up decentralized energy access programmes describes these two programmes and takes an in-depth look at the role of capacity development in scaling up from pilot projects to national programmes. Although it takes considerable upfront public investment to kick-start capacity development, once these investments have been made they can attract substantial financing from private sources at later programme stages. It also explores potential future trends in programme costs and financing sources. It makes the case for upfront public investments to develop national and local capacities for scaling up rural energy services delivery, and to catalyse private financing.
Published: 2010
Pages: 68
eBook: 9781780440538
Paperback: 9781853397165
Prelims (About UNDP, About AEPC, Contents, Figures, Tables, Boxes, About the Authors, Acknowledgements, Foreword, Preface, Acronyms and abbreviations, Summary) | |||
1. Capacity Development for Scaling up Decentralized Energy Access |
Elisabeth Clemens
Elisabeth Clemens is an Energy Policy Analyst with the Sustainable Energy Programme within the Environment and Energy Group of UNDP in New York.
Kamal Rijal
Kamal Rijal is a Policy Advisor with the Sustainable Energy Programme within UNDP’s Environment and Energy Group in New York. Prior to joining UNDP, he served as an Energy Specialist with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development and as a Senior Advisor with the Government of Nepal’s National Planning Commission.
Minoru Takada
Minoru Takada is Head of the Sustainable Energy Programme at the Environment and Energy Group of the United Nations Development Programme in New York. Before joining UNDP’s Policy Bureau, he was posted at UNDP in Angola and also served in Ghana as a community development officer.
Unbelievable but improved cookstoves are not helpful in reducing firewood demand in Nepal
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