Building Back Better
Delivering people-centred housing reconstruction at scale
The devastating impact of disasters on the world’s population is on the increase, influenced by climate change, urbanization, and persistent high levels of poverty, among other factors. There is a growing demand for reconstruction at scale. This book asks whether large-scale reconstruction can be participatory and developmental; can rebuilding be truly people-centred, contributing to breaking the cycle of poverty and dependence? Can reconstruction reduce people’s vulnerability to disasters and other shocks? Building Back Better examines the context for reconstruction, and shows how developments in the fields of housing, participation and livelihoods have changed and enriched approaches to reconstruction. It explores the practice of implementing large-scale reconstruction of programmes in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia and India. The book informs policy, programme design, practice and evaluation. It will be of interest to agencies involved in reconstruction and authorities in countries regularly faced with disasters, as well as to students, academics and researchers.
Published: 2010
Pages: 392
eBook: 9781780440064
Paperback: 9781853397011
Prelims (Boxes, Tables, Figures, Foreword by Nabeel Hamdi) | |||
1. Introduction - Building Back Better | |||
Michal Lyons, Theo Schilderman and Graham Saunders | |||
Part I: Setting the Scene | |||
2. Putting people at the centre of reconstruction | |||
Theo Schilderman | |||
3. Can large-scale participation be peoplecentred? Evaluating reconstruction as development | |||
Michal Lyons | |||
4. The people’s process: The viability of an international approach | |||
Lalith Lankatilleke | |||
Part II: Making Programmes Work for People | |||
5. Scaling-up people-centred reconstruction: Lessons from Sri Lanka’s post-tsunami owner-driven programme | |||
Vishaka Hidellage and Aziza Usoof | |||
6. Pakistan: Implementing people-centred reconstruction in urban and rural areas | |||
Usman Qazi | |||
7. Indonesia: Understanding agency policy in a national context | |||
Jo da Silva and Victoria Batchelor | |||
8. India: From a culture of housing to a philosophy of reconstruction | |||
Jennifer Duyne Barenstein and Sushma Iyengar | |||
Part III: Lessons from the Project Level | |||
9. Decentralizing (re)construction: Agriculture cooperatives as a vehicle for reconstruction in Colombia | |||
Gonzalo Lizarralde | |||
10. Kenya: Can temporary shelter contribute to participatory reconstruction? | |||
Dyfed Aubrey | |||
11. Bangladesh: Can large actors overcome the absence of state will? | |||
Khurshid Alam | |||
12. Turkey: Can small actors overcome the absence of state will? | |||
Hakan Arslan and Cassidy Johnson | |||
13. Progressive housing: Reconstruction after the 2001 earthquake in El Salvador | |||
Carmen Ferrer Calv, Concepcion Herreros and Ing. Tomas Mata | |||
14. Peru: The long-term impact of short-term reconstruction work | |||
Eliseo Guzmán Negrón | |||
15. Conclusions | |||
Michal Lyons, Theo Schilderman, Camillo Boano and Sandra D’Urzo |
‘Experience has shown that participatory, people-centred housing reconstruction is far more effective than top-down, institutional delivery. However, these processes are more complex, and widely believed to be impractical for largescale programmes. This important book demonstrates definitively that this assumption does not hold.’
David Simon, Professor of Development Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London
‘The breadth of contributions provides considerable material for readers seeking to understand and support participatory and integrated approaches for reconstruction.’ Diana Mitlin, University of Manchester and Senior Research Associate, IIED
‘The timely message of this book is that participation in housing reconstruction after disaster gives a more sustainable result.’
Judith Eversley, International Affairs Officer, Royal Town Planning Institute, London
Michal Lyons
Michal Lyons is an architect planner and urban geographer with research informed by a decade of work in the housing field in several countries. Until recently, Lyons managed World Jewish Aid, in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Eastern Europe, and consults widely for NGOs, INGOs, multilaterals, and the editorial boards of several academic journals.
Theo Schilderman Theo Schilderman is a Senior Researcher at the Building and Social Housing Foundation, UK. He is an architect with over 40 years’ experience of low-cost housing and reconstruction in developing countries.
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