Development studies
The Energy–Water–Food Nexus at Decentralized Scales
The Energy–Water–Food Nexus at Decentralized Scales uses Practical Action’s experiences with micro-hydro schemes to connect global nexus debates to the experiences of and solutions for remote off-grid communities and smallholder farmers. Through examples in Peru, Nepal, and Zimbabwe it exemplifies t...
Le nexus énergie-eau-alimentation à des échelles décentralisées
Ce document s’appuie sur l’expérience de Practical Action en matière de programmes de microcentrales hydroélectriques et vise à établir un lien entre les débats mondiaux sur le nexus (liens) et les solutions et expériences des communautés isolées hors réseau et des petits exploitants agricoles. Par...
Compost Bin Manufacturing
This technical brief describes the process of construction of home composting bins.
Quality Assurance Guidelines for Building Construction
This document is intended to assist building workers (carpenters, masons etc…) in maintaining reliable standards in carrying out their respective work on a construction site.
The Business of Doing Good
Anton Simanowitz, Katherine Knotts
Why is it that so many organizations, seeking to do good in the world, miss opportunities to do so – and indeed sometimes exacerbate the very problem they seek to address? The Business of Doing Good reveals six insights for microfinance and other social purpose organizations using the marketplace to...
Small-scale Rural Biogas Programmes
Renewable energy is becoming crucially important, as concern over burning fossil fuels is increasing and the price of oil continues to rise. Biogas technology has undergone great developments since the first designs in the 1970s. Large national projects are working very effectively in countries such...
Sustaining Local Food Webs
Local production provides food for more than 70 per cent of the world’s population and secures a livelihood for well over 2 billion. In local food webs the distance between producer and consumer is geographically and culturally short – with food and labour shared between families, neighbours, villag...
Food Regimes and Agrarian Questions
Food Regimes and Agrarian Questions extends the original conception of the food regime, formulated by Harriet Friedmann and Philip McMichael, detailing new dimensions of the succession of imperial, intensive and corporate food regimes. Developing the methodological contributions of food regime analy...
Humanitarian Needs Assessment
What assistance do disaster-affected communities need? This book guides humanitarian field staff in answering this vital question during the early days and weeks following a disaster, when timely and competent assessment is crucial for enabling informed decision making. Needs assessment is essential...
Donner plus de sens à l’atténuation du changement climatique
Le système énergétique mondial est le facteur le plus important du changement climatique. Ainsi, réduire la consommation énergétique ainsi que les émissions de gaz à effet de serre a une importance primordiale dans le monde pour éviter des changements climatiques catastrophiques. Toutefois, améliore...