Development studies
Permettre aux populations pauvres d’accéder à l’énergie
Pour atteindre l’accès universel à l’énergie d’ici 2030, les approches «traditionnelles» devront évoluer en termes de politiques, de financement et de mise en oeuvre. La série Perspectives énergétiques des populations pauvres de Practical Action s’est concentrée sur ce que l’accès à l’énergie signif...
Making Climate Change Mitigation More Meaningful
The global energy system is the single largest contributor to climate change, and reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from energy is of paramount global importance to avoid catastrophic climate change. But increasing access to modern energy services for the 1.2 billion people wh...
Enabling Energy Access for the Poor
Achieving universal energy access by 2030 will require a change from ‘business as usual’ approaches in policies, financing, and implementation. Practical Action’s Poor People’s Energy Outlook series has focused on what energy access means for the poor, and what will be needed to address it. This bri...
Cook Stoves in Sri Lanka
Renewable energy practices in Sri Lanka cook stoves.
Solar Distillation
The technical brief contains the information on solar distillation process that provides clean and safe drinking water to people living in areas with less access to it. Solar distillation is the process of removing salts and other impurities using the energy of the sun to get pure water for drinking...
Clay Pot Cooler – Cooling Food Without Electricity
This document has been produced based on the experience of Movement Verein working in Burkina Faso, West Africa on the evaporative cooler for food preservation.
Compost Toilets
This fact sheet describes a compost toilet that has proved to be most effective in water-logged areas where pit-latrines and septic tanks are inappropriate.
Biogas Energy in Nepal
Renewable energy practices in Nepal
Stone Arch Bridges - Chapter 2
Design of stone arch bridges.
Cook Stoves in Nepal
Renewable energy practices in Nepal