Development studies
The New Forester
Berry van Gelder, Phil O'Keefe
Traditionally, subsistence economies in developing countries are biomass economies. Housing itself, energy, furniture and utensils are still biomass products. The yield of trees and shrubs provides thatch, fodder and a host of other products which serve each family household. Deforestation is an ero...
North-South Co-operation
This book looks at co-operation for development: between North, South, and East; women's organizations and funding agencies; development practitioners, academics, and civil society; politicians and economists; and men and women. Currently the world is in a state of economic and political crisis, of...
The Oxfam Handbook of Development and Relief
This handbook is the product of the experience of Oxfam UK and Ireland in its work in over 70 countries around the world. It offers an expression of Oxfam's fundamental principles: that all the people have the right to an equitable share in the world's resources, and the right to make decisions abou...
The Oxfam Poverty Report
The UN Charter of 1945 and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set out a moral framework for a system of rights and obligations upon which the new world order was to be built. Yet, over 50 years on, the basic rights enshrined in the Charter are being violated all over the world. Only the privi...
Power, Process and Participation
Rachel Slocum, Lori Wichhart, Diana Rocheleau, Barbara Thomas-Slayter
This book focuses on participatory capacity-building in ways that address the practical needs and strategic interests of the disadvantaged and disempowered - it examines how differences in class, ethnicity, race, caste, religion, age and gender lead to the 'politics of exclusion'. It offers innovati...
Power and Participatory Development
This book explores the power dimensions of participatory development and research, and examines what shifts in power within communities and institutions are needed for participatory ideas to be effective.
A journey through the development of modern Salsa music. Evocative use of song lyrics bring colour and passion to this lively profile of Latin dance music.
Brazil: Carnival of the Oppressed
Sue Branford, Bernardo Kucinski
The rise of the Brazilian Workers' Party (PT) is unique. Founded in 1980, it rapidly became the world's largest left-wing party, winning 31 million votes in 1989. In 1994 the PT seemed on the brink of winning power, headed by its charismatic presidential candidates Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, univers...
On-plot Sanitation in Low-income Urban Communities: A review of the literature
This document reports findings from Phase I (May-August 1992) of an Overseas Development Administration funded project (no. R4857) concerning on-plot sanitation in low- income areas of urban Africa and Asia. Results from the project?s two main tasks ¨ a review of relevant literature and postal surve...
Medical and Hygiene Textile Production
Allison Mathews, Martin Hardingham
This handbook offers basic information on all levels of manufacture and small-scale production of medical and hygiene textiles including gauze, cotton wool, bandages, sanitary towels and nappies. Topics range from processing raw materials to packaging (Published in the Small-scale Textiles series).