Cultural Dimension of Development
Indigenous knowledge systems
D Michael Warren, L. Jan Slikkerveer, David W. Brokensha
Examines the management and use of common-property forests, groves and trees on southern Mount Kenya, demonstrating the long-standing relationships between Kenyans and their forest resources - and the connections between anthropology and forestry. This book is published in the IT Studies in Indigenous Knowledge and Development series.
Published: 1995
Pages: 600
eBook: 9781780444734
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D Michael Warren
Professor Dennis Michael Warren was an anthropologist and leading Africanist scholar who taught at Iowa State University from 1972 to1997. Professor Warren was especially interested in indigenous knowledge and rural development in Africa. His interest in indigenous knowledge led him to the study of art, culture, the rural economy and traditional healing in Ghana and Nigeria and to comparative studies of other societies.
David W. Brokensha
David W. Brokensha is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Environmental Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.
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