Latin America Bureau
A journey through the development of modern Salsa music. Evocative use of song lyrics bring colour and passion to this lively profile of Latin dance music.
Rosa of the Wild Grass
Rosa of the Wild Grass, the Story of a Nicaraguan Family is a true story which spans the last fifty years of the life of this small Central American republic. This fascinating and deeply moving personal and family chronicle brings alive the tumult of events in a way no textbook of contemporary polit...
Daisy Rubiera Castillo, Liz Dore
The life story of a black woman born in 1902 in Cuba, her life spanning the best part of the 20th century. Through her detailed memory of her ancestors, of her still enslaved grandmother, as much as of her own life and times, she gives a portrait of being black and female in Cuba. The book seeks to...
Religion in the Megacity
"Mega-cities" - sprawling urban centres - are now home to most Latin Americans. This work contrasts religion in two such cities - Sao Paulo in Brazil and Caracas in Venezuela. In Brazil, the Catholic Archdiocese of Sao Paulo, under Cardinal Arns and progressive Catholics, was a rallying point for re...
Promised Land
Jenny Pearce crossed the front line in El Salvador to collect oral histories from the people living under bombardment in Chalatenango, an area controlled by the FMLN guerillas. Promised Land traces how, despite 50 years of systematic and brutal repression, the peasants began to organize themselves....
The Poverty Brokers
The international debt crisis which hit the headlines in September 1982 has underlined the power that is wielded by the International Monetary Fund. As the ultimate source of credit for heavily endebted Third World countries, it can impose onerous conditions on those nations that need its assistance...
Out of The Shadows
Since the early 1970s the lives of South America's women have been transformed by military rule. In Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay, women were at the forefront of the opposition to dictators such as Chile's General Pinochet and Paraguay's Alfredo Stroessner. New "social movements" of shanty...
On The Line
The US-Mexican border is a unique meeting point of the first and third worlds. Every day thousands of Mexicans run the gauntlet of the US Border Patrol to reach the promised lands of California and Texas. On the Mexican side half a million people, mainly young women, earn a dollar an hour or less, t...
Nicaraguans Talking
Nicaraguans Talking uses Nicaragua as a case study raising a wide range of development and social justice issues. Since the 1979 revolution, a large proportion of the population has become involved in the search for a way out of the development trap and the Somoza dictatorship's legacy of economic a...
How did Manuel Noriega, the CIA's most important agent in Central America, become the US administration's most wanted criminal? Why did 22,000 US troops invade Panama, to arrest a man who had been a staunch ally of the US? Was his involvement in the drug trade the real reason for General Noriega's d...