Latin America Bureau
Deeper than Debt
An introduction to the history and current implications of the debt crisis, which positions debt in the wider context of globalisation and development. Deeper than Debt brings together a wide range of viewpoints to discuss the effects of economic globalisation on the lives of the poor majority in de...
Popular Education and Social Change in Latin America
Social movements, collective action, imaginative campaigning, grassroots politics, empowerment of the excluded, indigenous knowledge, appropriate development, participation, and literacy all have popular education in common. Social and political history in Latin America is hard to understand without...
Politics Transformed
Sue Branford, Bernardo Kucinski, Hilary Wainwright
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Lula) became Latin America's first democratically elected socialist leaders since Salvador Allende on October 27, 2002. He achieved nearly 62 per cent of the vote, to become the first left-wing politician to win his country's presidency. But behind this victory for Lula an...
Patterns of Protest
Bolivia leapt onto the front pages of the news in October 2003, when the 'Gas Wars' protests caused the ousting of Bolivia's President, Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada. In the Gas Wars the indigenous inhabitants, trade unions, and other civil society groups came together to protest the sale of Bolivian na...
The Dominican Republic
"The Dominican Republic is the land Columbus loved best" runs the advertising slogan. In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the explorer's arrival on the island of Hispaniola, the government has spent a reported US$40 millions on building a bizarre commemorative lighthouse. In the process, it h...
Whose Gold?
An examination of the banana trade from planting in the Eastern Caribbean to purchase in Britain, raising questions concerning trade between countries in the South and the North. Using personal experiences and case studies, it encourages pupils to see the implications of their own consumption.
The Battle of Venezuela
Venezuelan President Hugh Chavez inspires hatred and devotion in equal measure in his country. Historically one of South America's more stable democracies, since 2000 Venezuela has become increasingly polarised politically, as the divide among the pro- and anti-Chavistas has grown ever wider. Chavez...
An upsurge of women's activism across Latin America has provoked vigorous discussions about feminism, machismo and the whole process of social change. Companeras brings together activists from thirteen different countries to speak directly about their experiences and aspirations in the women's movem...