Urban communities
Cities, Poverty and Food
Marielle Dubbeling, Henk de Zeeuw, René Veenhuizen
The numbers of the urban poor are on the increase; at the same time their position has been made more vulnerable by the recent food and economic crises. City authorities need to find innovative strategies to eradicate urban hunger and improve the livelihoods of the urban poor. Urban agriculture prov...
Confronting the Crisis in Urban Poverty
Lucy Stevens, Stuart Coupe, Diana Mitlin
The challenge of urban poverty is growing every year. It is predicted that over 95% of global population growth between 2000 and 2030 will take place in the cities of the developing world. If current trends continue, the huge majority of those will end up in slums. Tackling urban poverty, however, h...
Building Bridges with the Grassroots
About one billion people now live in the slums of the towns and cities of the developing world. And their number is set to double by 2030, unless concerted efforts are made to the contrary. Slums provide an unhealthy and dangerous living environment, and improving the living conditions of slum dwell...
Urban Futures
Poverty and economic growth are intrinsically related but are not always synonymous. Human wellbeing is as important to economic growth as growth is to wellbeing. Poverty is multi-dimensional, encompassing both income and non-income related factors. Mobility, aspiration, dignity, respect, knowledge,...
Development and Cities
Approaches to sustainable development in cities of the South have focused too exclusively on narrow technical aspects of environmental protection, with no benefit to most residents in cities and peri-urban areas. However, in many countries of the South the disengagement of government along with budg...
Governing Cities
Urbanization and decentralization are overwhelming trends in almost every country of the world. Together they place a heavy burden on urban managers but at the same time generate tremendous opportunities for institutional change. Governing Cities provides insight into the effects of these global tre...
Communicating for Development
Much research on urban development is supply-led - generated by the interests of donors and researchers in the North rather than the needs of poor households in the growing cities of the South, Communicating for Development focuses attention on the most fundamental of questions about development: ho...
Urban Poverty in Africa
This book looks at the urban poverty debate bringing together contributions from academics, practitioners and urban poverty specialists to represent a multi-disciplinary approach to the debate, highlighting the need to link policy, institutional and grassroots efforts. The first part of the book con...
Urban Land Tenure and Property Rights in Developing Countries
This review surveys the extensive international literature on the subject. It proposes a typology which includes statutory, customary and unauthorized tenure systems, as a basis for assessing existing problems and formulating appropriate policies. It concludes with recommendations for improving tenu...
Urban Land Tenure and Property Rights in Developing Countries
This review surveys the extensive international literature on the subject. It proposes a typology which includes statutory, customary and unauthorized tenure systems, as a basis for assessing existing problems and formulating appropriate policies. It concludes with recommendations for improving tenu...