SOCIAL SCIENCE / Developing & Emerging Countries
Youth and Positive Uncertainty
Young people do not necessarily view uncertainty in their lives as negative, especially those most-marginalised youth who see their ‘certainty’ as poverty, unemployment and environmental fragility. Youth perspectives presented in this book show how some of the most-marginalised youth seek ‘positive...
Working to end Gender-based Violence in the Disability Community
Violence and economic oppression affect women the world over, and women with disabilities face even greater risks than their counterparts. Women with disabilities experience violence and poverty in different ways and at higher rates than non-disabled women and all men. This book explores gender-bas...
Digital Development
Sundeep Sahay, Arunima Mukherjee, Geoffrey Walsham, Thomas Hylland Eriksen
There is growing global consensus that the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), and particularly the Internet, are providing a new framework and huge opportunities for economic, political and social development. This book explores case studies across India, Kenya, Guatemala, Sri Lanka,...
Gestion de nos dechets 2021
La gestion des déchets que nous produisons tous constitue un défi grandissant dans le monde entier. Les problèmes de gestion des déchets sont habituellement décrits et mesurés en termes de flux de matières et d’incidences environnementales. Cependant, il s’agit d’un problème humain ayant d’important...
The Learning Power of Listening
Irene Guijt, Maria Veronica Gottret, Anna Hanchar, Steff Deprez, Rita Muckenhirn
Social change is messy. Poverty and inequality are experienced in a myriad of ways, each person and household with specific opportunities and needs. Working with their inherent complexity requires seeing what is happening at the margins for small groups, as much as what is center stage for the majo...
Facilitating Change Across Cultures
As the international development sector responds to calls for decolonisation and localisation, how can facilitators work humbly, wisely and respectfully across cultures to support positive change? This book asks readers to reflect on their own roles, values and power as facilitators in internatio...
A New Weave of Power, People and Politics Arabic
Lisa VeneKlasen, Valerie Miller
This field manual provides a well-tested approach for promoting citizen participation. It breaks down the traditional boxes separating human rights, rule of law, development, and governance, and reconnects them in order to create an integrated approach to rights-based political empowerment. A New We...
Tiny Engines of Abundance
This book provides a historical and comparative perspective of peasant productivity using case studies portraying the extraordinary efficiency with which English cottagers, Jamaican ex-slaves, Guatemalan Mayan campesinos, Nigerian hill farmers and Kerala hut dwellers obtained bountiful and diversifi...
Somewhere to Live
Despite millions of people being lifted out of poverty during recent decades, finding somewhere decent and affordable to live is proving increasingly difficult in urban areas around the world. This is not by accident, but by design, since the forms of economic management that have held sway for f...
Training for Transformation V
Training for Transformation is designed to assist workers in the field who are encouraging the development of self-reliant creative communities. The book has as its basic philosophy the belief that we should all participate in making this world a more just place to live in.