Development studies
For a Safer Tomorrow (Summary)
Summary of a Safer Tomorrow. Since the end of the Cold War, the number of armed conflicts in the world has fallen. But is this trend now about to be reversed? Climate change, poverty and inequality, and the wider availability of weapons all add to the risk of conflicts increasing. In 1949, the Genev...
From Clients to Citizens
Alison Mathie, Gordon Cunningham
Communities worldwide act on their own initiative, drawing on their own resources of leadership and solidarity, and in spite of poverty, to achieve their own goals. Development practitioners have too often viewed poor communities as helpless and disadvantaged, and have encouraged their dependency. Y...
Health and Education For All
Building public services can transform the lives of millions of people - and, with political leadership, it is achievable in this generation. This punchy introduction to the issues provides case studies, real-life stories, background data, and critical analysis. It is a primer for campaigners, for...
Gender Equality, HIV, and AIDS
Sheila Aikman, Elaine Unterhalter, Tania Boler
The book shows that while gender inequalities in society generally, and particularly within the education sector, are driving aspects of the HIV epidemic, educational settings can be empowering and bring about change. It examines different expectations of what HIV education programmes and education...
This book takes a look at the key challenges of HIV and AIDS from a gender perspective, and describes positive responses in areas of the world as diverse as Cambodia, South Africa, the UK, and Papua New Guinea. The impacts of HIV on women and men across the world are devastating and wide-ranging. Gi...
Rights-Based Approaches- Arabic
Case studies that provide compelling conclusions about the differences between rights-based and more ‘traditional’ projects, and their relative impacts. The failure to respect, protect, or fulfil human rights is a fundamental and leading obstacle to economic development and social justic...
Les approches basees sur les droits
Les études de cas qui fournissent des conclusions convaincantes sur les différences entre les projets fondés sur les droits et plus «traditionnels», et leurs impacts relatifs. Le défaut de respecter, de protéger, ou de remplir droits de l'homme représente un obstacle fondamental et important pour le...
Mesure de l'impact et redevabilite en situation de secours d'urgence
Quelle diffrence faisons-nous? Comment le savon-nous? Le Guide Suffisamment Bon aide les agents de terrain occup pondre ; ces questions. Il offre un ensemble de lignes directrices fondamentales sur la facedilon d'ecirctre redevable vis a vis des populations locales et de mesurer l'impact du programm...
Pour des lendemains plus sûrs
Depuis la fin de la guerre froide, le nombre de conflits armés dans le monde a baissé. Mais est-ce la tendance sur le point d'être renversée? Le changement climatique, la pauvreté et les inégalités, et la plus grande disponibilité des armes tout accroître les risques de conflits croissants. En 1949,...
Managing Humanitarian Relief
Responding Effectively to humanitarian disasters is far from straightforward, and relief workers often find themselves in a world of uncoordinated , highly competitive agencies working with cross-cutting purposes. Managing Humanitarian Relief is aimed at relief workers charged with putting together...