Development studies
Panorama energético de los pobres 2018
El acceso a la energía para todos se ha consagrado en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS 7) y el Acuerdo de París relativo al cambio climático, y, hoy en día, se acepta de forma generalizada que aporta bienestar y grandes beneficios para el desarrollo. No obstante, sigue sin comprende...
Systems Thinking and WASH
Water supplies in developing countries fail at unacceptable rates. In an era of high technology and a global drive for sustainable water and sanitation (SDG6), we need to find solutions to the ‘wicked problems’ that characterize water for development programmes around the world. Systems Thinkin...
Innovations Pour l'Assainissement Urbain
Jamie Myers, Sue Cavill, Samuel Musyoki, Katherine Pasteur
Plus de la moitié des occupants de la planète habitent désormais en milieu urbain et une forte proportion d'entre eux vit sans assainissement amélioré. Dans les zones rurales, les efforts déployés pour lutter contre la défécation en plein air ont été dirigés par le mouvement de l'Assainissement tota...
Voices of Latin America
These are uncertain times in Latin America. Popular faith in democracy has been shaken; traditional political parties and institutions have stagnated. And yet, in recent years, autonomous social movements have multiplied and thrived. Voices of Latin America tells the story of the major issues, confl...
El Manual Esfera
El Manual Esfera presenta un enfoque basado en principios para abordar la calidad y la rendición de cuentas en las respuestas humanitarias. Traduce a la práctica la convicción fundamental de Esfera de que todas las personas afectadas por desastres o conflictos tienen derecho a una vida con dignidad...
Le Manuel Sphère
Le manuel Sphère présente une approche fondée sur des principes de qualité et de redevabilité dans les interventions humanitaires. Il s’agit d’une traduction pratique de la conviction fondamentale de Sphère selon laquelle toutes les personnes touchées par une catastrophe ou un conflit ont le droit d...
Poor People's Energy Outlook 2018
Energy access for all has been enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG7) and the Paris Agreement on climate change and there is now widespread acceptance of the great wellbeing and development benefits energy access unlocks. Nevertheless, a lack of understanding about the best...
The Sphere Handbook Arabic
The Sphere Handbook presents a principled approach to quality and accountability in humanitarian response. It is a practical translation of Sphere’s core belief that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and the right to receive humanitarian assistance. The...
The Sphere Handbook
The Sphere Handbook presents a principled approach to quality and accountability in humanitarian response. It is a practical translation of Sphere’s core belief that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and the right to receive humanitarian assistance. The...
Banana farming in flood deposited sandy soil
Banana is one of the major and economically important fruit crops of Nepal. It has been traditionally grown in home yards for home consumption purpose.