Development studies
Agriculture and the Generation Problem
Despite predictions that they are destined to disappear, smallholder or family farms still number more than 500 million worldwide, and account for 80 percent of the world’s food. However, smallholder farmer populations are ageing, and many of them have no successor. Young rural men and women are tur...
Le traitement des boues de vidange
De nombreux pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire connaissent une urbanisation rapide, ce qui crée un besoin de services, notamment d’assainissement. Alors que certains quartiers dans les villes et agglomérations sont équipés d’égouts, la plupart des habitants, en particulier les citadins pauvres, c...
Panorama de la pobreza energética 2019
El PPEO 2019 es la culminación de cinco años de investigación, explorando qué se necesita para hacer realidad el tipo de servicios energéticos que permiten a las personas pobres en energía prosperar. El informe recopila y actualiza los mensajes y recomendaciones clave sobre la planificación (PPEO 20...
Perspectives énergétiques des populations pauvres 2019
Les PPEO 2019 sont l’aboutissement de cinq années de recherches pour explorer par quels moyens donner corps aux types de services énergétiques qui permettraient aux populations pauvres en énergie de prospérer. Le rapport synthétise et met à jour les messages et recommandations clés en matière de pla...
Poor People's Energy Outlook 2019 Arabic
PPEO 2019 is the culmination of five years’ research, exploring what it takes to realise the kinds of energy services that enable people living in energy poverty to thrive. The report compiles and updates key messages and recommendations on energy access planning (PPEO 2016), financing (PPEO 2017) a...
Communication for Development
From girl’s education awareness and action, to attitudes towards violence against children, communication for development (C4D) is a critical tool for sharing knowledge and creating social change. Evaluating how effective such communication has been in creating social change presents challenges. How...
Insights on Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is emerging as a key approach to climate change and a fundamental pillar for sustainable development. The objective of this summary report is to highlight the lessons learned from the field implementation of ten case studies presented at the regional contest.
The Past is an Imperfect Tense
The adoption of a baby by a couple unable to have children is the point of departure for The Past is an Imperfect Tense, in which B. Kucinski tells the story of a father-son relationship that begins intense and loving and ends up in pieces. The decline begins in the boy’s adolescence as he becomes i...
Poor People's Energy Outlook 2019
PPEO 2019 is the culmination of five years’ research, exploring what it takes to realise the kinds of energy services that enable people living in energy poverty to thrive. The report compiles and updates key messages and recommendations on energy access planning (PPEO 2016), financing (PPEO 2017) a...
Demonstrating evidence on Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Developing countries depend to a large extent on the ecosystems and the services they provide. Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is emerging as a potential response to climate change and a key pillar for sustainable development. UN Environment Programme under the Regional Portal for the Transfer of T...