Development studies
Argentina In Focus
Famous as the birthplace of tango, Argentina has known spectacular prosperity and devastating crises. Once the export powerhouse of Latin America, the country has suffered a cycle of military repression and economic mismangement. But despite wasted potential, Argentina remains one of the region's mo...
Beyond Intellectual Property
Beyond Intellectual Property: Toward traditional resources rights for indigenous peoples and local communities
Colombia in Focus
One in ten of the world's murders takes place in Colombia. Since the 1950s, the country has been the scene of civil war, protracted guerrilla insurgencies and massive human rights violations. Its notorious drug cartels have become synonymous with ruthlessness and ill-gotten wealth. But Colombia is a...
Strengthening the Capacity of NGOs
A growing proportion of overseas aid resources is flowing through indigenous NGOs in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Concerns about the capacity and performance of many Southern NGOs are leading Northern NGOs and official donors to seek ways of strengthening their partners that extend beyond technic...
Sustainable Sewerage
This handbook describes how conventional sewerage schemes can be modified to reduce the cost of construction and maintenance and suggests methods of prioritizing sewerage needs. Also surveys planning, selection, design, management and maintenance of community schemes as well as providing financial a...
Technical Principles of Building for Safety
Andrew Coburn, Richard Hughes, Antonios Pomonis, Robin Spence
This book describes principles and construction techniques for builders, householders and communities who are building in hazard-prone areas. The principles are clearly and simply presented- and in a form which can be adapted for use in training or public information campaigns - with an emphasis on...
Transforming Development
Transforming Development is uniquely appropriate reading at a time when civil society and the private sector are popular concepts and foreign aid is under fire. This books shows that given the chance, women are instrumental in expanding and democratizing national economies: they create wealth and fa...
Women and Rights
This book explores issues of women's rights including: the legal background and history of human rights legislation; the special human-rights problems of women in situations of conflict or as refugees; violence against women as a human rights violation; the rights of disabled women and the importanc...
Women in Micro- and Small-Scale Enterprise Development
Women's role in enterprise development is now acknowledged as crucial, and a sense of urgency seems to beset all practitioners in the field. This book presents the complexity of women's situations in micro- and small-scale enterprises, and the importance of the issues being addressed, through the br...