Practical Action Publishing
Progress You Can See
Including exclusive video recordings of workshop sessions with the author
We all measure progress toward our individual goals every day, whether we recognize it or not. This book provides a proven process for incorporating...
The Political Economy of Agribusiness
This book analyzes global economic policies that impact rural communities, land use, food sovereignty and environmental justice. This is the 9th book in the Critical Development Studies series. It traces the global contours of contemporary agriculture, bringing a critical analysis of the origins...
Addressing Conflict, COVID, and Climate Change
Marielle Snel, Nikolas Sorensen
Humanitarian crises are growing in length and complexity due to external destabilising pressures including conflict, COVID, and climate change, with the average length of refugee situations now exceeding twenty years. Until now, there has not been any specific WASH publication of this kind that refl...
Tratamento de lodo fecal e esgoto séptico
Muitos países de média e baixa renda estão passando por um processo de urbanização rápida, que gera a necessidade de melhores serviços, incluindo o de saneamento. Enquanto algumas áreas no espaço urbano têm serviços de saneamento, a maioria das pessoas, especialmente a população de baixa renda, cont...
Natural Pesticides - Chilli pepper
The insecticidal properties of chilli pepper are highest in the ripe fruit especially in the skin and seed. Chillis act as a stomach poison, antifeedant and repellent to a number of pests.
African Perspectives on Agroecology
Seed embodies life, power, and culture. From Africa’s deserts and drylands to its mighty river systems and tropical forests, from those growing a multiplicity of grains, legumes, and vegetables, to others struggling to produce enough to feed their families, seed provides the mainstay for the contine...
Scholar-Activism and Land Struggles
Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Jennifer C. Franco
This book is about scholar-activism and political struggles for land. Scholar-activism is a way of working that tries to change society by combining the best features of radical academic and political activist traditions, despite the many contradictions and challenges that this entails. The role pla...
Gender and Resilience in the City
Gender and Resilience in the City is an exploration of one urbanizing city: Bharatpur Nepal, from 2014 to 2019. Bharatpur is representative of countless dynamic cities around the world. Local authorities and residents are learning what it means to be in a city in which the rural and urban are morphi...
How to Make Sausages
A wide variety of sausages are produced in countries throughout the world. Most are produced from meat (especially pork and beef) but in some countries, fish sausages are also popular. Vegetarian and vegan sausages are available in some countries, made from tofu, nuts, pulses, mycoprotein, soy...
Turmeric Processing
Complete guide to turmeric processing (production, curing, drying, polishing, grading, grinding and packaging).