Half the World, Half a Chance
An introduction to gender and development
Explains how and why women are disadvantaged not only by social and economic structures but also by many current development initiatives. This book also gives many examples of successful action by women's organizations and offers a message of hope.
Published: 1993
Pages: 240
eBook: 9780855987633
Paperback: 9780855981860
* Foreword | |||
* Acknowledgements | |||
1. What is gender? | |||
2. Why development is a gender issue | |||
3. Mothers and housewives? Gender, reproductive and productive work | |||
4. Upholding and challenging gender subordination | |||
5. 'A triple yoke of oppression': gender, class and caste in a post-colonial world | |||
6. Development at the crossroads | |||
7. Reassessing the role of women | |||
8. Some practical issues in development | |||
9. Actors in social change | |||
* Notes and references | |||
* Index. |
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