Gender and Disability
Women's Experiences in the Middle East
Women with disabilities face a double discrimination, both in terms of gender and also of their particular disability. This book examines the situation of women with various types of disability, in the Middle Eastern context. It provides a general overview of gender and disability and includes several case studies from the Lebanon, Yemen, and the occupied Palestinian Territories. Each case study features personal histories from disabled women and members of organizations for disabled people, to highlight particular issues concerning gender and disability.
Published: 1997
Pages: 64
eBook: 9780855987251
Paperback: 9780855983635
Acknowledgements | |||
Introduction | |||
Working with disabled women: reviewing our approach | |||
The case studies | |||
1. Mobilising women with physical disabilities: The Lebanese Sitting Handicapped Association | |||
2. Invisible victims: working with mothers of children with learning disabilities | |||
3. A double discrimination: blind girls' life-chances | |||
4. Disability and gender at a cross-roads: a Palestinian perspective | |||
5. Facing the backlash: one womans' experience in Yemen | |||
6. Taking the world stage: disabled women at Beijing | |||
Conclusion: making 'imperfect' women visible, strategies for the future | |||
Resources |
Lina Abu-Habib
Lina is a Programme Advisor for the Women Learning Partnership and the Global Fund for Women and is on the editorial board of Oxfam’s journal, Gender and Development
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