Natural Resources Management and Gender
A global sourcebook
This book reflects experiences with mainstreaming gender and women's issues in natural resources management. Five case studies from around the world examine diverse natural resources from different perspectives, ranging from the household and community level to national and regional policy. They explore: the security of women's rights to common property resources and land in West Africamainstreaming gender in water policy and institutions in Gujarat, Indiagender-responsive planning in wetland development in Ugandaempowering women in managing natural resources in mountain areas of the Hundu-Kush Himalayas of Pakistanthe development of gender policies for environmental ministries in MesoamericaThe book features an extensive annotated bibliography and a list of relevant Web resources, providing a global overview of the work in this field.
Published: 2002
Pages: 136
Paperback: 9780855985011
Minke Valk
Minke Valk is an Information Specialist specialized in information on Gender; Governance and Health;. She has been involved in e-publications on several development related issues and has a lot of experience in literature searches. Minke also has editor experience in the production of printed as well as electronic material on different development related subjects incl. health, decentralization, sector wide approaches, theatre and development and gender training.