Waste management
Sanitation in Humanitarian Settings
In an emergency the collection, treatment and disposal/reuse of human waste is critical to the health, wellbeing and environment of affected populations. Addressing this is difficult and complex requiring an understanding of the technical, social, institutional, political and environmental issues af...
Tratamento de lodo fecal e esgoto séptico
Muitos países de média e baixa renda estão passando por um processo de urbanização rápida, que gera a necessidade de melhores serviços, incluindo o de saneamento. Enquanto algumas áreas no espaço urbano têm serviços de saneamento, a maioria das pessoas, especialmente a população de baixa renda, cont...
Gestion de nos dechets 2021
La gestion des déchets que nous produisons tous constitue un défi grandissant dans le monde entier. Les problèmes de gestion des déchets sont habituellement décrits et mesurés en termes de flux de matières et d’incidences environnementales. Cependant, il s’agit d’un problème humain ayant d’important...
Managing Our Waste 2021
Dealing with the waste we all generate is a growing global challenge. Waste management problems are conventionally described and measured in terms of material flows and environmental impacts, yet this is a human problem with major social, health, and economic impacts, felt most acutely by some of th...
Tratamiento de lodos fecales
Muchos países de ingresos medios y bajos están viviendo una rápida urbanización, lo cual genera una necesidad imperante e servicios, entre los que se encuentran los servicios de saneamiento. Si bien algunas zonas en pueblos y ciudades cuentan con servicios de alcantarillado, la mayoría de la poblaci...
Scaling-up Community-Led Total Sanitation
Scaling-up Community Led Total Sanitation starts with detailed instructions on how to facilitate CLTS in a village or cluster of villages. It then explores how to scale up and institutionalize CLTS at a regional and national level by gaining the commitment of leaders within government ministries. Th...
Systems Thinking and WASH
Water supplies in developing countries fail at unacceptable rates. In an era of high technology and a global drive for sustainable water and sanitation (SDG6), we need to find solutions to the ‘wicked problems’ that characterize water for development programmes around the world. Systems Thinkin...
Innovations Pour l'Assainissement Urbain
Jamie Myers, Sue Cavill, Samuel Musyoki, Katherine Pasteur
Plus de la moitié des occupants de la planète habitent désormais en milieu urbain et une forte proportion d'entre eux vit sans assainissement amélioré. Dans les zones rurales, les efforts déployés pour lutter contre la défécation en plein air ont été dirigés par le mouvement de l'Assainissement tota...
Faecal Sludge and Septage Treatment
Many middle- and low-income countries are experiencing rapid urbanization, which creates a need for services, including sanitation. While some areas in some towns and cities are sewered, most people, especially the urban poor, continue to use various forms of on-site sanitation. These require perio...
Innovations for Urban Sanitation
Jamie Myers, Sue Cavill, Samuel Musyoki, Katherine Pasteur, Lucy Stevens
Over half the world’s population now lives in urban areas and a large proportion of them lives without improved sanitation. Efforts to tackle open defecation in rural areas has been led by the Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) movement. But how can the community mobilization techniques of CLTS b...