Gender studies, gender groups
Revisión de Capacitación en Género
Formation sur le genre dans les années 1990 et proliféré a gagné du terrain en mettant l'accent sur l'intégration du genre, une stratégie adoptée lors de la quatrième Conférence mondiale des femmes 1995 à Beijing. À l'heure actuelle formation sur le genre est de plus en plus remis en question comme...
Gender and Health
Minke Valk, Sarah Cummings, Henk van Dam
Despite decades of work to address the gender-based causes of ill health, women are still dying needlessly and in large numbers. Will current initiatives to improve women's health succeed in meeting the targets prescribed in the Millennium Development Goals by 2015? Gender and Health: Policy and Pra...
Gender and Health
Minke Valk, Sarah Cummings, Henk van Dam
Despite decades of work to address the gender-based causes of ill health, women are still dying needlessly and in large numbers. Will current initiatives to improve women's health succeed in meeting the targets prescribed in the Millennium Development Goals by 2015? Gender and Health: Policy and Pra...
Politics of the Possible
What actually happens to organisations during gender and organisational change endeavours? Politics of the Possible takes an in-depth look at the experience of seven Novib partner organisations in the Middle East and South Asia who undertook the challenge of the Gender Focus Programme. It recounts...
Gender and the Millennium Development Goals
This collection of articles focuses on the Millennium Development Goals from a gender perspective. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of this way of understanding and addressing poverty, and suggests ways of strengthening the approach by using key insights and approaches associated with the th...
Gender and ICTs for Development
Minke Valk, Sarah Cummings, Henk van Dam
Around the world information and communication technologies (ICTs) have changed the lives of individuals, organisations and indeed, entire nations. ICTs can have profound implications for women and men in terms of employment, education, health, environmental sustainability, and community development...
Gender and the Millennium Development Goals
This collection of articles focuses on the Millennium Development Goals from a gender perspective. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of this way of understanding and addressing poverty, and suggests ways of strengthening the approach by using key insights and approaches associated with the th...
Gender, Development, and Advocacy
Koos Kingma, Caroline Sweetman
Advocacy for gender equality occurs at all levels of society--from grassroots women demanding community-level change to sophisticated coalition-building that promotes change to international trade laws. Articles in this collection chart the experience, challenges, and successes of gender equality ad...
Gender, Peacebuilding, and Reconstruction
Women are active players in reconciliation and post-conflict reconstruction processes. Moreover, sustainable peace depends on equal representation of all citizens in peacetime decision-making.This collection of articles explores conflict prevention through development projects in places where resour...
Gender, Citizenship and Governance
In the 1990s, the issue of good governance assumed enormous significance in the debates on global development. The concern with governance arose from the growing realisation that conventional development efforts had failed to eliminate poverty and inequality. Despite differences in priorities, the g...