Transport industries
An Annotated Bibliography on Rural Transport
Rural transport in developing countries has received increasing attention in development policy, and research and field experience has generated a number of books, articles and documents from organizations working in a variety of locations throughout the developing world. The International Forum for...
Rural Transport
This source book seeks to raise awareness and to provide information on how rural transport problems might be identified and addressed, focusing on women since they carry the main burden. The book highlights rural transport activities and needs, considers household and other agricultural transport n...
Rural Transport Services
For policymakers and planners, it draws on a wide range of sources, developing methodologies for cost evaluation of spot improvements, stage construction of water crossings, and analysis of the organizational framework for decentralized road maintenance.
Women and the Transport of Water
The haulage of water is one of the most arduous and time-consuming tasks of rural women, and this paper looks at the scale of the problem in general and in particular in Kenya, suggesting ways in which improved methods of transport could help.
The Design and Manufacture of Animal Drawn Carts
A manual on the design and manufacture of animal drawn carts based on existing experience with suggestions for improvements.
The Design of Bicycle Trailers
An illustrated guide to the use and design of cycle trailers in urban and rural areas. Contains new material and updates the information in the earlier edition.
Rural Transport in Developing Countries
An important and wide-ranging survey of transport policies in developing countries, illustrated by nine case-studies.
Low-cost Vehicles
A pictorial survey of a wide range of low-cost vehicles in developing countries. It lists, for the planner and those influencing choice, the range of low-cost options available with their advantages, disadvantages and uses.