Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Achieving Water Security
Roger Calow, Eva Ludi, Josephine Tucker
Achieving water security remains an elusive goal yet the benefits of investing in water, sanitation and hygiene to achieve basic water security and alleviate poverty are clear. Households benefit through a range of livelihood impacts; economies benefit from greater economic activity and over the lon...
The Challenges of Urban Ecological Sanitation
Arno Rosemarin, Jennifer McConville, Amparo Flores, Zhu Qiang
The need for improved sanitation around the world is becoming a crisis, and the situation is particularly critical in urban and peri-urban areas in developing countries. Here the population is growing rapidly, and where sanitation is provided, the means to treat and dispose of waste safely is neglec...
Every Last Drop
Zhu Qiang, Li Yuanhong, John Gould
Over the past two decades a quiet revolution has been taking place in the countryside of China where hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty. This book focuses on some of the practical actions and clever use of appropriate technologies which have been at the heart of this posi...
Health Care Waste Management in Developing Countries
This brief gives an overview on health care waste treatment options focusing on incineration.
Supporting Rural Water Supply
Collectively, billions of dollars have been invested in the provision of rural water supply systems in developing countries over the past three decades. Although progress is being made and rates of coverage are increasing, users often find that, once installed, water supply systems are poorly mainta...
Bio-sand Water Filters
This brief focuses on bio-sand water filters, which use sand and gravel to partly clean water with a simple approach.
Urine Diverting Dehydration Toilet (UDDT)
The majority of communities worldwide pollute ground water resources and the environment as a result of flush toilets.
SODIS - Solar Water Disinfection
This document looks at issues surrounding clean drinking water and a simple and low-cost solution called SODIS, where the heat and UV rays from the sun fall on water in plastic bottles, killing patho-genic micro-organisms.
Training Manual for Eco-Toilet Construction
A manual covering the different designs of eco san toilet from Bangladesh.
Domestic Rainwater Harvesting Tank
A manual on how to train people in the construction of a ferrocement "pumpkin" water tank.