SOCIAL SCIENCE / Developing & Emerging Countries
Gender and Health
Minke Valk, Sarah Cummings, Henk van Dam
Despite decades of work to address the gender-based causes of ill health, women are still dying needlessly and in large numbers. Will current initiatives to improve women's health succeed in meeting the targets prescribed in the Millennium Development Goals by 2015? Gender and Health: Policy and Pra...
Just One Planet
The impacts of climate change are being felt all around the world and as they become more damaging and widespread, it is the 2.7 billion people in the world who live on less than $2 a day who will be hit first and hardest. The carbon emissions fuelling the lifestyles of people in the North are causi...
Water Lifting Devices
This is an updated and expanded new edition (formerly Water Pumping Devices), surveying the water-lifting technologies that are available and appropriate for smallholdings. It examines the costs and general suitability of the different technologies to enable farmers and policy makers to make informe...
NGOs and the State in the 21st Century
Fatima Alikan, Peter Kyei, Emma Mawdsley, Gina Porter, Janet Townsend, Saraswati Raju, Rameswari Va
The architecture of aid has changed. More aid from rich countries is being directed to southern governments. As a result, southern NGOs have become worryingly dependent on contracts with their governments to continue their work. This book leads the way in its timely overview of these concerns now co...
Cassava Processing
This fact sheet describes uses of cassava - a staple crop of particular importance in South America and Africa - how to process it, harvest it and store it.
Water reforms and the poor
This volume consists of two discussion papers that provide insights in addressing pro-poor concerns in water policy.
Civil Society and the War on Terror
Aggravated poverty and insecurity, the loss of livelihoods, the breakdown of trust and hope – these are some of the consequences of the war on terror. These points were reiterated in a series of workshops organised by INTRAC in 2006-07, and run by southern and northern civil society groups in five r...
Picking up the Pieces
With the sudden flight of its decade-long dictator Alberto Fujimori in 2001 and the apprehension of his eminence grise Vladimiro Montesinos, Peru has in recent years experienced one of the most dramatic turnarounds of any Latin American country. Picking Up the Pieces: Corruption and Democracy in Per...
Solar Cooking and Health
Solar cookers are devices that use the energy of solar radiation to cook food. In the rural areas of most developing countries, cooking is usually done on open fires fuelled by wood, but solar cookers are a cleaner and healthier option.
How to use the DRYIT Semi-continuous Tray Dryer
A comprehensive guide on how to use this tray dryer - you can dry herbs, fruit, vegetables, and even colouring materials and textiles.